"And what might that be"

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"Rose"Francis says eyeing me

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"Rose"Francis says eyeing me. "you have to stay awake"

"It will be alright rose just stay awake ok"Lady wells says cutting the middle of my dress revealing my stomach.

"The baby Francis"I say sadly.

"Your baby will be fine you mustn't worry"Lady Wells says seriously. "You must relax rose"She says applying pressure my stomach.

"But the baby"I say crying harder.

"Francis get the other servants"Lady wells says seriously.

Francis POV

I couldn't help but hold her hand. All the blood worried me and I'm sure by the look on my face it worried her too.

"Rose you must relax"Lady Wells sighs before looking to one of the servant girls who was bringing over a small knife they were burning in the fireplace.

"What are you doing"I say confused.

"I have to close the wound it's the only way"Lady wells.

"Is it going to hurt the baby"My brother says eyeing her before looking to me.

"I think it's best you both leave"She sighs. "In order for us to be quick we don't need any distractions"She says seriously.

"No no they stay"Rose says weekly.

"You are not well Rose in order for you to keep your child they must go"She says seriously before looking to me which my brother just grabs me and walks me out shutting the door behind her. Her screams were haunting me I couldn't take it.

"You must relax"John sighs.

"Relax sure brother I will pretend my wife isn't screaming for her life inside this room"I say sarcastically as I pace back and forth. Before than the screaming stops causing me to look up at the door. which the servants that were helping Lady Wells all quickly leave.

"How is she"I say eyeing Lady Wells as she walks out of the room and shut's the door. "As long as she doesn't get a fever she should be fine"She sighs.

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