"Just a Kiss"

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I could hear them counting but as I got deeper and deeper into t the maze I couldn't hear them anymore. When I made it to a three path way I decided to go left in which when I did I heard my name being could so I quickly walked faster down the path until I reached a corner which was blocking the dead end which meant that if the voice got closer I got a place to hide and maybe get some payback by scaring them. As I wait and wait I heard my name being called a little louder, and who ever it was, was closer than before. When person got closer I couldn't help but giggle but to me it sounded to loud so I quickly covered my mouth. Until I felt to hands lift me and push me against the tall bush. I couldn't help but scream, but quickly they covered my mouth.

"Open your eyes" The boy whispered.

When I opened my eyes a pair of piercing blue eyes were staring back at me. I was a bit in shock I didn't want him to find me and yet he did. he was staring at me again, but the question was why.

"You weren't supposed to find me" I say trying to catch my breath.

"Well to bad maybe next time you should be more quite" He smirks.

"Who said anything about their being a next time" I say  gaining confidence.

"I did what ever I say goes Rose" When he says my name like that it make's me want to listen. He is the only one who called me Rose like that it was scary a bit.

"I think we should get back now" I say in a small voice. He was making me really nervous I wasn't aloud to be alone with boys so this was the closest I have ever gotten to one, but this boy of all boys I don't think it's a good idea to get to close.

"We can do what ever we want dinner doesn't start until the bell is rung Rose" Their he goes again making my name roll off of his tongue, like it's the only thing that matters.

"Well I...umm...think my parents may be looking for me" I say trying to move around him, but he was stronger than me so I didn't get any where but pushed back into the bush.

"I think their still talking with my parents discussing things" Francis says with a smirk.

"Well it's not like it's that important" I scoff.

"Oh really ma belle fée" He smiles lightly. Did he just call me his beautiful fairy no one has ever called me that. And I am surprised he knows how to say anything other than come to bed with me.

"I am not your little fairy" I say defensively.

"Yet" I hear him mumble to himself. I didn't think he wanted me to hear that so I just ignore it.   

" I won the game" He says with a evil smile.

"I know" I say rolling eyes.

"Would it be okay if I kiss you" He says curiously, but when I looked into his eyes I could tell he meant it.

"I...umm..." I was confused. Normally I would give an answer right away but he made me confused, like really confused.

"You know a lot of girls would beg for me to kiss them" He smirks.

"Well I am not like other girls" I say angrily pushing him away and walking back the way I came.  As I quickly walk through the maze I get lost in which Francis is laughing as he watches me figure out what path to take, I just want to slap him in the face.

"Oh will you shut up with your annoying laughs"  I say yelling in his face. In which he continued to laugh anyway and when I bring my hand up to his face he grabs it and makes me fall on ground and of course he had to fall to.

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