"Store their heads and burn the bodies to ash"

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Francis has been asleep for weeks now and the King of France is getting much worse based on what the healer Nostradamus has said. He doesn't have much time and the waiting around for Francis to wake is much worse. The person mostly affected has been the Queen she is becoming gravely weak herself. Everyone in the castle is quite and on edge to know who will get better first. I learned my parent's fled the castle the day after my wedding night. I had people keeping look out for them even soldiers ready to grab them and drag them back to court.

We were all sitting in silence in my room when we were called to the King and Queen's chambers telling me something was wrong. We all swiftly walked down the hall to the room I was hesitant to enter but i did with my ladies behind me. Everyone was here even who'm I thought or looked to be the Kings bastard son John. He was much older than Francis and more taller he look more like I assume his mother than the king but he was quite handsome.

"Father" John says sadly.

"You know what you asked of John if Francis does not wake you must claim the throne like i asked.

"Very well father" John says sadly.

"Mary" The king smiles lightly.

"Shush" She smiles kissing his forehead.

"their is still time your grace" The servant says sadly.

"No" the king says quickly.

I could help but look away a little as he signed his name. It was a contract in his writing of what was to happen after he was gone. We all sat in even more silence waiting. Soon we all feel asleep in out chairs and woke up to the Queen crying.

"He's gone" She says sadly.

"He's gone" She repeats.

"I'm so sorry" I say honestly.

"It's okay"She smiles lightly giving the kings lifeless body her full attention.

"Go to Francis" She says seriously.

Which she didn't have to ask me twice. I quickly raced down the halls to Francis. As I burst through the doors their sat Francis wide awake talking to Nostradamus.

"You awake" I smile.

"yes" He smiles.

"I will never leave you again I promise" I say more so to myself quickly hugging him causing for him to laugh lightly.

"As will I" He smiles brightly.

"Francis" I say sitting down and looking at him.

"yes Rose" He smiles.

"I have to tell you something" I say glancing at Nostradamus who saw the look in my eye's and knew what I was to say.

"Your father he is..umm..." I start to say only to be cut off by the servant from the kings room walking in with everyone else.

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