"Now let go relax"

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 ......call me Viserys "He smiles.

Which we follow him to a giant Castle which seemed nothing like ours it was much more grand as well as the fact their land was very green and rich.

"Now this is something of a fairy tale"Rian sighs walking beside me and Francis with Blair.

"Only grandmother would say something like that"Francis sighs.

"Her and I think alike in some ways"He sighs.

"Catherine is one person you don't ant to think like"Bash sighs.

Which once we made it to the front of the castle the boys happily asked to be helped off the horse to get a better view while Rhea seemed surprised by the sight.

"I only remember their being one son"Viserys sighs eyeing me and Francis.

"that is because the last two are young"Francis sighs ruffling Rhaegal and Rheagar's hair making them smiles.

"And the eldest"He says eyeing Rian.

"Viserys must you be so closed drowning"A girls voice sighs walking over to us.

"Rhaenys"Viserys sighs not looking to her.

"Are you going to introduce me to your guests"She smiles looking to everyone before her eye's fall on me.

"Everyone this is my sister Rhaenys Queen of the city of Queens"He sighs.

"You could have just said my name you know"She sighs eyeing us all.

"Does it matter sister"He says looking to her curiously as she eye's John.

"What is your name"She says looking to me before she decides to touch my hair lightly intrigued.

"Rosalie"I say eyeing her. She was pretty her hair was more red than brown as well as her eye's.

"Do you have to touch her"Viserys sighs.

"She's doesn't remind you of someone"She sighs eyeing me before looking to Viserys.

"Save the stories for later sister"He sighs.

"Why is this place called the city of Dragons if their aren't any"Rhaego sighs.

"It's always been called that even when their were Dragons you see the Dragons were born here while the Queens and Kings were born elsewhere"Rhaenys smiles to him.

"Why"He asks curiously.

"Well you see everyone here has the blood of the Dragon running through their veins but every hundred years no matter who is given the power of the Dragon only two are meant to be King and Queen"She sighs. "It's said that some day the Dragon's will come back"

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