"I am not surprised I'm disappointed"

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It has been weeks and I have been in bed for what feels like forever seeing as Francis wouldn't let me leave

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It has been weeks and I have been in bed for what feels like forever seeing as Francis wouldn't let me leave. But today the duke of England was coming and we have to be prepared for any situation that may present it's self to us. After all we are the King and Queen of France.

"Your Grace" The duke says bowing to us as we sat calmly on our throne's.

"Julian I am happy for you to be here at court I hope it is as pleasing as England" Francis sighs.

"It is nice for you grace to have me" he smiles.

"I shall introduce you to my sister very soon but we must discuss other matters after you are settled" He says with a sigh glancing at me.

"Very well your grace" He smiles before bowing once more and exiting the room.

"I feel as if I am a hundred years old" Francis sighs taking my hand.

"Well than I am wed to an old man" I say teasingly.

"You are just full of delight today" He says with a light laugh.

"Well that is because I feel different today" I say honestly.

"How much so" He says curiously.

"Just very different" I sigh thinking about it.

"My lady" Bella says with a excited smile.

"What is it Bella" I say confused.

"Nothing My lady just happy to see you is all" She smiles. "But I must barrow you for a dress from Spain was sent for you and I sure it isn't quit your size" She says seriously thinking about it.

"Celina has been making my dresses since I was a child I am sure it is fine" I say honestly.

"My lady I am just very eager to see" She says smiling at me.

"Rose" Francis sighs. "Go with her I am fine here you can come back when you are finished" He smiles.

"Very well" I sigh before standing and making my way to my chambers following Bella who seemed very excited. Once we made it into my room I was met with the rest of my ladies.

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