"A political Alliance"

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"Mother...Father" Francis eyeing them both. They both seemed a bit on edge.

"Rosilie..."The Queen says nervously.

"Everyone leave us" The king sighs before all the servants and nobles quickly leave the room with haste.

"You seem a bit on edge father what is it"Francis says glancing at his mother.

"Their is no one ruling over Spain which means they need a monarch" The king sighs.

"Me" I say catching on to everything. "They need me to take the throne" I say surprised.

"When" Francis says glancing at me.

"Portugal plans to declare war on Spain which i would say now"The King says seriously before giving me his full attention.

"Would this affect the alliance"Francis says curiously. 

"No she would just be crown before you are wed"The king says glancing at the Queen Mary.

"The pope is coming tomorrow so we have a lot to prepare for" The Queen smiles. 

"If I am to be Queen of Spain I think their is a lot for me to do"I sigh. 

"But why isn't she going to Spain" Francis says curiously. 

"If she is to be Queen of France one day she needs to live for that to happen" The king says seriously. 

"But if the alliance doesn't hold she'll be the Queen of Spain which I don't understand how that would be a problem" Francis sighs. 

"I'm pretty sure if someone got the chance to kill a king or Queen they would relish in it" I sigh turning to him. "I'm sure if the alliance doesn't work you'd have another beautiful queen by your side" I say honestly. 

"Sure" Francis says with a light smile. 

"Or I could  crown her now" A voice says with a sigh walking into the room with a mob of nobles and servants. 

"Pope Clement" The king smiles, hiding his anger. "I thought you wouldn't arrive until tomorrow. 

"Well you thought wrong" He sighs before reverting his attention to me. 

"Come we must prepare you" He says before quickly turning around. 

"Who knew someone who was supposed to be so holy could be so rude" Francis whispers to me. 

Finally after being bathed and pampered It was time. 

"Rosilie Amilia Rocasolano by the power vested in me I hear by Crown you Queen of Spain" The pope smiles.  

After signing my name about a thousand times on papers I didn't even know what they were talking about. I was finally the ruling monarch for Spain I just hoped my people would be okay with it. See as I was being crowned today they were to come French court tomorrow seeing as they thought I would be crowned tomorrow.  

"You have become a Queen before I have become King so tell me how does it feel" Francis asks with a smile. 

"It feels just the same as before" I say honestly. 

"Well I'm sure all your people will be happy to know that their King had a daughter...a long lost princess" He smirks. 

"I am not lost I was just hidden" I say thinking about it. 

"Sure" He says not believing me. 

"Well by tomorrow everyone will know about you and would want to come see you" He sighs. 

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