"only for me to catch....."

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of England"Camilla says eyeing us both

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.....of England"Camilla says eyeing us both. "She's here"She sighs.

"Very well attend to rose"I sigh before walking out of the room.

Rosalie's POV

Which once I was changed I made my way to the thrown room to find the Queen of England hasn't even made it in side the throne room yet.

"Have you ever seen Elizabeth"I say looking to Francis.

"No I've only heard of her"He sighs. "And what exactly have you heard"

"That she's a Queen without a husband and runs her court and not the other way around"Catherine sighs standing beside Francis.

" The Queen of England"A servant announces making everyone stand straight. Which entered a woman around the same age maybe older than Francis mother yet younger than Catherine.

"Welcome to French court"Francis smiles standing eyeing her which I just stand along with him.

"Young Francis"She sighs eyeing him before glancing to me and looking back to him. "You look like your father with that crown on your head"She snorts eyeing him.

"What is the meaning of your visit"He says eyeing her.

"To question you stupidity"She sighs eyeing him. "And to ask you to renounce you claim on my throne"

"I never laid claim to your throne"He sighs.

"Yet your mother did you came along"She says eyeing him.

"You don't need to worry about your country"Francis sighs sitting eyeing her. "It is yours you don't fear that I would come and take it because I do not want it"

"And it's seems you have your mother stupidity"She sighs. Earning a scoff of amusement from me.

"You must be"She says looking to me.

"Rosalie"I say eyeing her.

"Is it true what they say about Spanish woman"She sighs eyeing me.

"And whats is that they say"I say eyeing her.

"That they only care about themselves it intrigues me you were made Queen"She sighs eyeing me.

"It intrigues you are threatens you"I say eyeing her. Which she than scoffs with amusement eyeing me.

"If anything Francis is to much of a gentle to lay claim to your throne"I sigh eyeing her. "Which is why he will happily write to Vatican about it as for me"I sigh standing. "I may not have claim to your throne but if you think you can waltz into french court like your anything other than the Queen of England....I will show you what they say about the Spanish"I say confidently eyeing her. "And I won't need a Dragon or fire to do it either"

"Are threatening me"She scoffs eyeing me.

"Absolutely"I say eyeing her.

"I thought we had an alliance"She sighs looking to Francis.

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