"Just don't lose...."

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"I'm sure one of Rose's ladies would be happy to walk with you"Francis sighs.

"I have no doubt they wouldn't"He sighs. "But I think it would be rather wrong of me to take up their time when I am sure their is some other man out their ready to court them"He says looking to me.

"Well it was a delight meeting you me and Francis must help outside"I say looking to Francis.

"Yes it seems many nobles and children are rather too excited today"Francis smiles my way. "A servant will escort you to your chambers In which we will catch up later about the many things you've learned away from french court.

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"I don't see what all the fuse is about over that man"I sigh walking around our room.

"I'm sure you don't"He smiles. "That's what I love about you"He says eyeing me.

"I'm sure their is much more that you love about me besides my loyalty"I sigh.

"Their many things but most are when we are alone"He sighs kissing my hand.

"Francis"I sigh breathlessly as he continues to my neck.

"Would you like another prince in your belly"He smirks putting his thumb to my lip to keep me from kissing him.

"Francis"I say eyeing him.

"That's wasn't an answer rose" He says grabbing my waist and blocking me into the wooden desk. "Rose"He says unzipping my dress. "Answer me Rose"He says moving his face closer.

"y-"I start to say only for their to be a knock on the door.

"Your sister Maria your Majesty"A servant says knocking.

"Tell her I am busy"Francis says seriously eyeing me with lust.

"Brother leave rose alone for once she has just had your first child give her a break"Maria calls from the door. "She is needed for Rian"She sighs.

"I should go than"I say eyeing Francis.

"Yeah"He sighs dissapointed as he slowly zips my dress back up.


As we all watched nervously as Francis held a calm squirmy Rian and handed him to the pope I couldn't help but look to Catherine.

"Have you decided on a godparent's"The pope smiles looking from me to Francis

"Well"Francis sighs looking to me.

"Maria and Julian "I say seriously.

"Me"She says surprised.

"You look out for me while here for some time and I know you were their for Francis and I am sure you'll be here Rian he will need that if to something were to happen to me"I say seriously. "And I trust you"I say seriously. "I don't have family left and well your as close to a sister I will have every have"I say honestly.

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