"we all better hope"

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Rhea's POV 

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Rhea's POV 

"It's still snowing"I sigh eyeing the sky as I walked down the corridor before looking to Maximilian who walked beside me.

"My father has ordered 100 thousand of our men to be put towards fighting Ragnar"He says eyeing me. 

"I suppose that is well enough"I sigh. "But still it doesn't change the fact war is coming"

"Well we have more men than they do"Maximilian sighs coming to a halt turning to me fully. "And I rather find it much more pleasing when you don't worry so much"He sighs honestly. Making me turn to him. 

"You convinced your father to offer 100 thousand of his men didn't you"I sigh eyeing him. 

"Your always so smart"He laughs lightly eyeing me. 

"Maximilian"I sigh eyeing him. 

"Rhea"He sighs honestly eyeing me. "I wish to marry you"He says clearly eyeing me. Making me eye him back in surprise. "100 thousand men were only what I asked before asking your father if I could have your hand"He sighs eyeing me. "I added 200 more"He says seriously eyeing me. 

But at moment I didn't have anything to say. I never thought a another boy would be interested in me every since Eduardo went back to Portugal. 

"Rhea"He says once more eyeing me taking my hand. 

"That's more than enough"I sigh eyeing him. "300 thousand men"I scoff at the thought. 

"Well your worth much more"He sighs eyeing me. "So"He trails off eyeing me. 

"Yes"I say lowly eyeing him Earning a smile. 

"Really"He says pulling me to him.

"Yes"I smile brightly. Earning a kiss my first real kiss. 

"Normally I would protest"A voice sighs. 

"Rhaego"Amalia says nudging him making me turn to him. 

"She said yes"Maximilian sighs eyeing Rhaego with a bright smile. 

"And now you owe me a horse"Rhaego sighs eyeing him. 

"You waged a horse on whether I would say yes"I say eyeing Maximilian to and my brother. 

"I thought you'd say No"He says honestly eyeing me. "Or slap me"He adds. 

"I could slap you"I offer eyeing him earning a laugh. 

"We should go hunting"Amalia sighs eyeing Rhaego. 

"Hunting"Rhaego snorts eyeing her. "Your not going to miss Rhaedor while were gone"He sighs looking to her. 

"You said you wanted me to show you more attention and consider this it"She sighs looking to him. 

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