"It's the Queen....... "

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My mother said it would take a while for it work but I didn't plan on living her so I stayed while everyone else left.I didn't go to sleep I didn't eat anything my mother's ladies tried to offer nor drink I just stayed on the bed with her in my arms as I lightly touch her hair.

The Next Day

Blair's POV

I couldn't help but gasp as I quickly sat up before looking to Rian who was sleep with his head leaning on the wood of the bed.

"Rian"I say happily kissing him.

"Blair it's to early for you to be awake"He mumbles.

"Well that is just to bad"I say with a smile causing his eye's to quickly shoot open and before I could say anything he was kissing me.

"Don't you ever die again"He says seriously pulling away eyeing me.

"I knew you would come back"I smile honestly hugging him happily. "Promise you won't leave every again"I say seriously hugging him.

"I promise"He sighs hugging me tightly and placing his chin on top of my head.

Rosalie's POV

"Hello Everyone"Daniel says happily walking into the room. With Julian who was amused by his over dramatic welcome.

"Daniel"Francis sighs eyeing him.

"I was gone for a month and you've managed to make a dragon that's great"He says eyeing the big white dragon who would not stop nudging Rhaegal for his food.

"His name is Aerys and he has feeling as Rose would say"Francis sighs.

"Teasing me when you know I'm right doesn't justify your words"I say looking to him.

"Sure it does"He sighs. "Now Julian please tend to my sister she is quite upset being in bed alone and bored out of her mind so much so she has managed to some how annoy me from here"Francis sighs.

"Does not surprise me"Julian laughs before leaving the room.

"Rosalie"Julian smiles to me.

"You have been gone a long time"I sigh eyeing him.

"Do you plan to scold me for it"He says raising an eyebrow to me.

"No I do not"I sigh amused.

"OH Julian what a surprise"Catherine sighs walking into the room quickly grabbing a cup of wine. "Someone please tell Rian to not wake up the entire castle"

"Rian's married now"Julian says confused looking to us.

"Grandmother you did tell him"

"Encouraged him"I sigh eyeing her.

"Yes well I will un-encourage him if he does not keep it down while I am sleeping and dreaming of all the people I've taken down"She sighs happily.

Long May she ReignWhere stories live. Discover now