"what is wrong with her"

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"Brianna did I not warn you of what was to happen if you stayed" He says angrily

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"Brianna did I not warn you of what was to happen if you stayed" He says angrily.

"Francis" I say shocked of how angry he was. "Why must she leave she is happy here at court... why do you wish for her to leave" I say confused.

"because Rosilie" He sighs before he turns to me fully.

"That is not an answer Francis" I sigh.

"Brianna please retire to your room i am sure you must be tired" He sighs.

"But" She goes to say only to be cut of.

"Brianna do not push you luck today" He says coldly. Before she than quickly makes her way out of the room.

"Why must you send her away like she is a child" I say standing and walking over to him.

"Because Rosilie" He sighs. "She is carrying my child" He says seriously.

"What" I say shocked by the words that have escaped his mouth. "My King... sir Julian would like to speak with you" A servant says cautiously opening the door.

"Send him in" Francis sighs before giving me his full attention. "Go to my room and wait for me we will talk more"He sighs.

"No" Whisper sternly. "Do not come to me tonight I need to think and be alone" I says before I quickly make my way out of the room. I kept my head tall until I reached my room. Which when my door closed I have never cried so hard in my life. My heart hurt and I felt like I was breaking inside.

"My lady" My ladies say entering my room.

"I do not wish for you to stay tonight" I sniff a little sitting up and whipping my tears away.

"Why are you crying my lady" Camilla says concerned.

"It is none of you concern I just wish to sleep" I sigh quickly standing.

"I will start your bath" Anna smiles lightly before bowing and heading off. I say nothing in response I had nothing to say my hear hurt. I needed to understand why Francis would do this to me and I couldn't. Which hurt a lot worse.

After I was bathed I laid in bed in complete silence while silently crying to myself. I was hurt inside and out. I cried myself to sleep that night.

. . .

As I woke I couldn't help but gasp at a sudden pain I felt.

"Rose" I hear Francis say soothingly. "Do not look" He says sadly.

"No" I say sadly as I see the blood all over my bed. "It's gone" I say gasp in sadness and before I know it I was crying and screaming in anger.

"Shush" Francis says sadly.

"No" I say pushing him away. "Leave us now" I yell to servants who rushed around my room.

"You did this to me" I say trying to breath. "I have lost our child because of you and your....amazing way of making me feel like I am loved and cherish only to break it down like it's nothing" I say avoiding the lump of pain in my throat. "You chose to lie to me and bed her and now she is have your child...not me...And you knew and you lied to me"

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