"Did I mention I am also looking for a bride"

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It has been weeks and we have sent many soldiers to defend and we have lost 2 and won 1 battle

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It has been weeks and we have sent many soldiers to defend and we have lost 2 and won 1 battle. I haven't seen Francis in weeks only for bed and I haven't gotten much sleep. I only wake up to him gone. He is trying his hardest to help me keep my country and my head...and I love him for it.

"Catherine"I sigh.

"Rosilie where's Francis" She sighs. "Shouldn't he be here talking to the people with you"

"No it's fine" I smile. "I can handle it and their are only a little group of people left" I sigh.

"Sure and more will soon arrive" She sighs.

After going through the group of people it was finally over so I decided to do a surprise for Francis after all he's been working hard so I could keep my country.

I had a party and invited all the children in the castle and their parent's I hoped it would lighten the mood. Me and the children were going to dance and have fun.

"Rose" Francis sighs I could tell he did not want to be their.

"No stop talking" I say raising an eyebrow. "You have been trying to keep my head for many weeks now and you need a break" I sigh. "This is a party and you are going to dance" I say sternly holding out a hand.

"Very well what the Queen want's she shall get" Francis sighs with a smirk.

As the music starts it is than stopped at the sound of guards coming in.

"My king" The say in unison before he is than presented with a letter.

"What is it" I say confused.

"He has taken your father's castle in Cardon and he is even closer to France" Francis says with anger. "I'm ending this now" Francis says with rage before him and the guards quickly walk away.

"My Queen are you okay" Camilla says as I tip a little. I felt like my head was lighter.

"I'm fine" I say watching him walk away. "Come now" I say sternly as I follow Francis to our chambers.

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