1 : Grandpa Fu's present

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y/n = your name
n/n =nickname
l/n = last name
h/c = hair colour
e/c = eye colour
l/o/h = length of hair
f/c = favourite colour

note : this chapter is unedited

y/n's P.O.V
The long drive to central Paris was just as expected, long and boring. Luckily, I managed to sleep through almost one third of it. After countless of times of napping, yawning, sighing and stomach growling we had arrived to my Grandpa's place. The car engine stopped and unbuckled my seatbelt. I yawn and took and extended my arms upward while simultaneously extending my legs, stretching my back, arms, calves, thighs and shoulders. "Come along n/n we have to say hello to Grandpa Fu" Mama says with a smile. I nod and open the car door and followed my parents to a massage shop. Papa rings the doorbell and waits for Grandpa Fu to open the door. While waiting, I examine the massage store which Grandpa Fu lives in. The only window to the inside is blocked by Chinese styled blinders, in front of the blinders are potted plants, small little water fountains to visually appeal the customers. A piece of paper was stuck in between the seam of the two blinders, it had details of massage prices, healing prices and business hours.

After a good minute or so the wooden door opened with Grandpa Fu on the other side. "Dylan, Caroline, welcome!" I hear Grandpa say in a loving tone, I look over to my parents and Grandpa Fu who were currently embracing each other. "Where's n/n? I haven't seen her since last Christmas" Grandpa Fu asks them. "Grandpapa!" I say with a smile, I run up to embrace him. "Christmas was only 6 months ago! My, how tall you have grown since then" Grandpa Fu comments. "She has definitely had her growth spurt papa" Mama says in agreement. "Yes indeed, did you open your present I gave you last Christmas yet?" Grandpa asked me. I nodded "But I haven't opened it yet because of the card you gave along with it" "Very good y/n, you have obeyed your orders, come along now, I'll be showing you where your bedrooms are and then once you are fully rested we will open up your present"

After getting a tour of the house and shop I finally got to see my own bedroom. It head a window seat the had a beautiful view of the near by park with a gorgeous little potted flower windowsill to act as a guard rail and decor whenever I open up the windows. The amount of space in my new bedroom was double the size of my old bedroom back in Toulouse. Even though it was bigger than my old bedroom I was very envious of my parents and Grandpa's bedrooms because they both had balconies and a second floor level. Oh well, I don't need that much space anyway.

After unpacking and setting my room up I was done decorating my bedroom in 6 hours. By then it was already 10 pm and I was already very sleepy so I quickly took a shower before going to bed.

The next day was Sunday, I woke up and quickly changed into my f/c blouse and dark blue jeans. After a quick look at the mirror I exit my room and run downstairs to the kitchen. Odd, no one was awake yet and it was already 11 am. To be fair it was the weekend and my parents and I just go to Paris less than 24 hours ago.

I hear my stomach grumble "Time to have breakfast" I sigh before grabbing a pan and some eggs. "And while I'm at it, I'll make them breakfast too" I say to myself. After cooking 12 sunny-side up eggs and 14 strips of bacon I place the plate of food on the dining table. Just as I placed the plate down my parents and Grandpa Fu came down from the stairs above. "Morning guys, I made breakfast" I say with a smile. "Morning n/n" Papa said with a yawn, he took out a seat for mama before sitting down on his own seat. "Morning love" Mama said as she adjusted her seat. "Let me go get plates for you" I said before going back into the kitchen to search for some plates.

"They're in the bottom cabinet to your left y/n" Grandpa Fu tells me before he himself sat down on his chair. I collected the plates and cutlery before setting up the table. Straight away my family starts digging in. As we ate I asked Grandpa Fu "Grandpapa, when are we gonna open my present?" "Very impatient you are" Grandpa Fu replies as he cut his bacon into smaller slices. "Well to be fair, I've been waiting for six months" I say with a 'matter of fact' tone. Grandpa chuckles before saying "That is true I suppose, but you just have to wait after brunch". I nod before continuing to eat my breakfast.

Since I cooked breakfast mama and papa agreed to do the dishes, giving me and Grandpa alone time to open up my present. We enter his room and I held the wooden box very tightly. "Now y/n, this present is very special, you cannot tell anybody about its special properties" Grandpa Fu started. "Special properties? Wha—" "You may open the box in your bedroom, but don't make too much noise, this is a very special gift that I suggest you use at night" Grandpa Fu said. I nod and said "Thank you Grandpa Fu!" Before leaving my room and opening the gift.

A fox necklace? It's beautiful but what is so special about this? I shrug before placing the necklace around my neck. Suddenly a tiny odd chick nugget thing comes out of it. My jaw drops. I was about to scream my lungs out but the little weird thing placed a finger over his lip, telling me to be quiet. "Hello! I'm Trixx! I'm your new Kwami!"

"OH MY GOD IT'S A TALKING CHICKEN NUGGET— MPH!" Straight away my scream was muffled by the little Kwami who covered my mouth with a pillow. "Shh! No one can no about this" He said to me before slowly uncovering my mouth. "Who are you? Why are you here? Why is a little floating chicken nugget thing talking to me?!"

"My name is Trixx, I'm a Kwami and I'm here to make you a miraculous holder!" Trixx explained. IT TALKED AGAIN! WHAT THE?!. My jaw dropped once again. "This is going to take a long time explaining" the little Kwami muttered.

"So I have to help chat noir and lady bug capture evil Akumas"


"And I'll also have really cool superhero abilities?"


"But I have to keep my identity a secret"


"And I have to go on patrol everyday?"


"This is so cool!" I squeal before jumping up and down in excitement. "Yes! It's going to awesome working with you y/n!" Trixx says with a smile before flying over to my windowsill. I follow him with a big smile on my face. "Thanks Trixx! We'll make an awesome team"

"Yeah, we will!"

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