5f : Silencer pt. 2

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y/n = your name
n/n =nickname
l/n = last name
h/c = hair colour
e/c = eye colour
l/o/h = length of hair
f/c = favourite colour

note : this chapter has not been edited

I rung the door bell again, no response. "Dammit, Adrien must be asleep" I mutter to myself. I walk around the house, looking for ways to jump over the brick wall that separated me and Adrien's room.

"Dammit! His bedroom window is open, all I need is to get over this gate!" I groan, continuing to walk around the brick gate.

chat noir

"Don't we need to think of a plan though?" I ask the dark haired girl who gazed at the villain intently.

She stays silent, lifts her index finger to her chin and taps on her chin twice before opening her mouth. "Yeah, thanks for reminding me of that Chat. First we need to get everyone in the homes and then we can start de-evilising Silencer" She replied.

I nod and stand up from my crouch position. "I'll cover the eastern houses, the monster hasn't gotten to the northern or southern neighbourhood so no one would be out and about over there" I say.

"The eastern neighbourhoods? Isn't that where Adrien Agreste lives?" Ladybug asked me.

"Why you asking?" I respond, crossing my arms.

"Just wondering!" She says with a sheepish smile. "Anyway, just tell me when the newbie gets here, she's already late on her second akuma mission" She says, changing the topic of the conversation quickly.

"Sure, meet you at the Eiffel Tower bugaboo" I say with a grin.

"Chat, I told you a billion times, stop flirting with me! I'm not interested, listen to what the newbie told you and don't try, even if it is a joke" She groans, standing up from her crouch position.

"As you wish Ladybug" I sigh before I left the roof top without saying another word. Rooftop after rooftop, I slowly made my way to my neighbourhood.

As you wish, I won't flirt with you ever again.

A loud thud followed by a cuss came from one of the houses down the street I was patrolling in. After I told every panicking citizen to stay calm and stay indoors I walk to where the noise was coming from.

Another loud cuss was heard again as I neared the noise. I come closer to the noise and realised it was coming from my house.

Is someone trying to break in my house?

I climb up the wall of my mansion and spot a (f/c) haired girl attempting to get into my bedroom through the open window I left open.

What a crazy fa — wait is that (y/n)

"(Y/N)?" I ask with a confused expression on my face.

The girl whisks her head to my direction quickly, her face red as a tomato.

"Chat Noir?"

"(Y/N)?" I hop down the wall and slowly walk towards her swinging my tail in circles. I pause right in front of her, putting all of my weight on my left hip and placing my left hand on top of it.

"How do you know my name?" She backs away from me slightly, clearly uncomfortable with the distance between our faces.

"I know everybody's name kitten"

I come close to her face, examine every detail in it. I noticed her soft (l/c) lips, her (s/c) and her smooth, silky, (f/c) that glistened in the moonlight.

"I-I well um... I was here to get my er... uh... um.. jacket and purse that I forgot to get when I was visiting" She stutters as she fiddles with her hands.

"Oh I see, it's dangerous for a girl like you to be out her at this time so I'll let you in until Adrien comes back."


"Oh I see, it's dangerous for a girl like you to be out her at this time so I'll let you in until Adrien comes back." He takes two steps back and reaches for his baton that was on his black leather belt.

"You know Adrien lives here?" I ask. I watch him closely. He might be a creepy fanboy. He looks at me, takes his baton and holds it upright.

"Like I said, I know everyone" He says, he then grabs my waist. I squeal a bit at the quick action. "Uhh what are you doing —"

His baton extends, causing us to hover in midair. Chat then leans towards the open window and we begin to fall. I squeal, shutting my eyes tightly in fear.

"Here we go princess" Chat says. Stable ground hit my feet, I open my eyes slowly. We're in Adrien's room. I turn around and face Chat.

"Thanks for that Chat" I thanked. He grins.

"No problem kitten, stay put until Adrien comes back, try not to make any noise though" He says before leaving the room through the open window.

Alright, short chapter I know, school's been kicking my ass lately and I apologise for that. This Silencer thing will most likely be a 4 chapter long series but if you guys are loosing interest in this little hero section comment down below and tell me!

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