9 : Valentine Prep

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y/n = your name
n/n =nickname
l/n = last name
h/c = hair colour
e/c = eye colour
l/o/h = length of hair
f/c = favourite colour
s/t = skin tone (ex. pale, dark, tanned, etc)

note : this chapter has not been edited

"You're always so lonely" The blonde boy comments with a grin, he proceeds to sit next to me while sipping his juice box. "You're always so annoying.. and is that a juice box?" I ask him.

"It's a big man juice okay" He poured and I grinned at him. "Thanks for hanging out with me again for the 17th time in a row Adrien" I say to him with a soft smile.

Even though it had been a month at my new school my only real friend was Adrien. The rest of the people I didn't know very well... probably because of my introvert-ness.

"No problem (Y/N), ever since we hung out.. I always had a feeling of connection between us" Adrien says, a prominent blush could be seen on the blonde's pale cheeks. I blush bright red to his response, my heart was racing and my palms getting sweaty.

What is this feeling?

"Hey Adrien!"

I spun my head 90 degrees to see two girls walking towards us. Alya and Marinette. They sat themselves down on the extra unoccupied seats next to Adrien and I. Alya looking confident and normal while Marinette and total blushing mess. Why is she blushing?

"Valentines is tomorrow" Alya states with a grin.

"Tomorrow? That fast? What are you going to get for Nino?" Adrien asked the red head.

"Er.... I'm not sure yet, that's why Marinette and I wanted to ask you for help" Alya replies, she nudges Marinette softly and grins at her. Marinette is stiff as a stick.

"Why Marinette? Isn't Nino Alya's Valentine?" I ask Alya, I furrow my eyebrows in confusion.

"Ahah... well, Marinette was thinking of getting something for her crush for Valentine's Day tomorrow, she doesn't know what though" Alya replied.

"Well Nino does enjoy Jagged stone a lot so you can get something themed around that.." I listen to Adrien talk about this mysterious Nino guy whom I've only heard about from Adrien.

"What about you Marinette? What does your crush like? I could help" Adrien asked with a soft smile. I watch him talk, the way his luscious pink lips moved with every word he spoke. The way his blonde hair flowed with the wind. The way his green eyes glistened with the sun.

Do I like him?

"We got to go" Alya said loudly and quite suddenly. I was interrupted from my trance like state. I returned to reality once again.

The two girls moved briskly, Marinette was still bright red like before. Sunburnt?

I look back at Adrien and grin at him.

"It always seems like Marinette is stiff as a stick when she sees you" I comment. He nods before looking into my eyes examining my face, blood started to race to my cheeks.

"Yeah, I tend to have that affect on girls" He smirks.

I realise that I am blush and I my face with the palms of my sweaty hands. "Shut up... you're the one who was examining my face" I comment.

I uncover my face to see his reaction. He's beet root red as well. "I tend to have that affect on boys" I tease, point my index finger towards Adrien.

He looks down to the ground, embarrassed.

I grin wider.

"Shut up, you're so annoying.. you know that right?" Adrien says, looking back up to me. I could tell he wasn't being serious.

I giggle at his response. "I know babe, but you love me so you'll never get sick of me" I smirk. I'm in control now and he's the one blushing like a mad man this time.

He opens his mouth to say something in return but the quickly shuts it.

I grin and take his juice box and lift the straw to my lips, taking a big drink of it.


I watch (Y/N) as she takes a drink of my juice box. Does she not know that we're sharing saliva?

My mind races to images of (Y/N) and I kissing directly. A overwhelming desire took a hold of my body. I wanted to kiss her so badly.

My train of thought was interrupted as the gorgeous (h/c) girl in front of my chucks me an empty juice box. I crush the cardboard box and look up at her with a frown.

She licks her lips in return, grinning afterwards.

You have no idea what I want to do to you (Y/N)....

You have no idea....

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