13 : The beginning of a sticky situation

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l/n = last name
h/c = hair colour
e/c = eye colour
l/o/h = length of hair
f/c = favourite colour

note : this chapter has not been edited


Come on, [y/n], don't be acting so reckless!

Blinking my eyes open, my thoughts grew too loud. My room was still dark, with only slivers of the moonlight creeping in-between the cracks of the blinds. A melted ice pack was thrown limply onto my burning wrapped ankle, the events of last night had flashed back into mind.

"Pound it," the duo spoke in unison. I hung back, my mind racing through with today's events. I'd like to think I'm a person with a stone-cold expression most of the time, but apparently not. "Hey newbie, you doing alright?" Ladybug's echoing voice had interrupted my floodgate of thoughts.

"Hm? Oh yeah, right - I'm alright. I think I need to get more cardio done in my normal life though, these mishaps really tire me out," I respond.

Chuckling lightly and nodding, "mm, yeah. I completely understand, sometimes you need a little breather after everything we do right?" As if right on que, her earrings had begun to beep. "Oh, sorry guys! You know what that means..."

"Yep, time to wrap it all up," I say, also checking out my necklace. Trixx must be getting tired now.

"Exactly, now I'll catch you two later!" Her arm  promptly extended with her yo-yo, slinging itself into the distance and working as a vine of some sort, the heroine herself had soon disappeared into the night. I watch on at the iconic site, man these guys have really got this whole thing into routine huh?

I hear the footsteps of Chat Noir approaching me from behind soon after, shifting my gaze in his direction with a slight squint. "You ever wonder why she's always the first to leave out of the three of us?"

"Probably because she's the first to know where the danger is," Chat was nonchalant about it all. Which was fair, the two had been doing this gig for who knows how long now. "You're not exactly the quickest one out of the three of us to get onto site, you know? Maybe you really should work on your cardio," A chuckle accompanied his tease.

Rolling my eyes in response, I let the insult pass. My mind is far too preoccupied to think of a decent comeback. I continue the conversation, "So, where are you off to now?"

Was Trixx tired? Probably. Was I tired of standing? Most definitely. So why didn't I want to say goodbye so soon? Well, right now, returning to that damned movie theatre alone is the last thing I wanted to do.

"Wouldn't you like to know, nosey?" Another witty response that I proceeded to brush off with a moody yet light hearted reply.

"Har, har. Fine, if you don't like the pleasantries then go run off and be a good kitty."

"I'm only poking fun at you," Chat had seemed to drop his playfulness now. "I got to go back now actually, I have a date - er - that's waiting for me.." Inexplicably embarrassed, his proud stance formed into a slump as he muttered, "...if you could call it a date..."

Maybe both of us need some banter right now. I attempted change my tune, "Oh yikes kitty, sounds like the sharing popcorn trick didn't work that well?"

"Hm, I don't know, maybe it worked too well," a cheeky grin and a wink. Typical.

I chuckle, at least his mood wasn't completely sour now. "Whatever you say kitty cat, go back to your date. I too have important things to do in case you have forgotten."

"You? What? YOU have plans? No way, that's insane? Is the world endin-"

"Shut up, before I use that pole of yours and bang it where the sun don't shine."

"Oh Trixx, do you think I went too far last night?"

Their small figure had appeared behind the crutches which laid against my bedroom wall, approaching me with ease.

"Well, I don't think so! You were just standing up for yourself, if he doesn't like it he can shove it up his-"

"But he's one of my only friends in that school Trixx," I cut her off with a worried tone.

"Well this can be your chance to make more friends!" Trixx chirped with encouragement.

I bite my lip and an anxious energy washes over me. Trixx's encouragement was sweet but, it still didn't undermine the fact that making friends was such a daunting thing.

In hindsight, I shouldn't have stayed back so long because by the time I had arrived at the movie theatre Trixx was barely holding it together. A clumsy roll back into my citizen self, somehow twisting my ankle while doing so. "Oh shit, shit, shit, my ankleeee!" I weakly yelped.

"[y/n]!" The familiar voice had called out to me. The one voice that I did not want to hear at the moment. "Are you alright?"

A snappy reply as I dragged myself upright, "Not right now Adrien."

"Woah, woah, woah, that was a bit harsh... I-I was only asking if you were okay?"

I directed a glare towards him. "I don't know Adrikins, do I look okay to you?"

Adrien had only returned a sheepish glance. What? Is this the first time he's ever been confronted?

"Hey look [y/n] - I'm sorr-"

A tangent laced with frustration and venom had sprung out of me, I was not going to let Adrien go without one lengthy complaint. "You allowed her to walk all over me, whisk you away from me on our date mind you - and not only that, a verbal slap on the face too! She was being a - you know what? She's such a!"

"Chloe is just misunderstood okay? I feel ba-"

"Chloe may be misunderstood, but just because she's misunderstood doesn't excuse her for being an asshole towards me or anyone else!" My tone was beginning to increase in volume..

"Look, I know Chloe can rub you the wrong way sometimes and she does with me too... but-"

I cut him off once more, feeling utterly betrayed. "Well look at you now Adrikins! You didn't even stick with me, stand up for me, this was suppose to be OUR date Adrien in case you have forgotten! Why are you defending Chloe? You allowed her to — Just leave me alone!" The final snap. I begin to walk away from the conversation, limping as I did so.

"Can I at least get you home safely? Your ankle is-"

"Go worry about Chloe, she's your real date apparently!"

Fuck, I really could've used that ride home.

we do a little trolling...
just a minor troll, that's all.

any thoughts on this chapter?
it's been a while!

constructive feedback is always appreciated :)))

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2021 ⏰

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