2 : The first Akuma

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y/n = your name
n/n =nickname
l/n = last name
h/c = hair colour
e/c = eye colour
l/o/h = length of hair
f/c = favourite colour

note : this chapter is unedited

The automatic bus doors open and walk down the steps. From here my new school is only 2 minutes away and it was already 8:42. Dammit Y/N, first day of school and you're already late! This cannot happen again. Once I was off the bus I begin running to my new school, Collège Françoise Dupont. After running for a good 30 seconds or so I see the school in the distance, I slow down my pace and look at my silver watch. 8:43.

I pick up the pace and dashed to the stairs of my new school. "Y/n can you slow down a bit? This is a really bumpy ride!" Trixx said as he emerged from my f/c jacket. "No time to loose Trixx, I can't be late for my first day" I reply. After jogging up the green stairs to the second floor I take a quick minute too look for my home room.

The fourth door ahead. I sprint to the door and opened it quickly. There was about 13 people in the room all occupied by some sort of activity. No one bothered to look at me but one, a tanned red head with glasses took a quick glance at me before going back to talking to a blonde girl with a pixie cut that was sitting behind her.

I shrug and sat myself behind two girls, one had orange hair cut into a bob and the other was a blonde with a high ponytail. I opened my bag and took out my phone. 8:45. I put the phone back and sigh, the teacher hasn't arrived yet.

"You're new" One of the girls who sat in front of me said. I look up at my phone and see the blonde with the high ponytail looking directly at me. "Yeah, I am, I'm (Y/) — " "Not like I care, I just need to tell you that back off from Adrien" She said with a glare. "Adrien who? Alright sweetie, I'm new here and—"

"She has a name and it's Chloe, if you didn't know already she's the daughter of the mayor and I'm her BFFFFF Sabrina" The girl with the orange bobcat butted in. "That's right, so you better listen to me or I'll tell daddy to kick you out of Paris" Chloe said with  commanding tone.

"Sure thing Chlo" I say as I roll my eyes. The two girls then sat down properly and continued to talk to each other. I sigh and look out at the window overhearing their gossip about me. "Don't worry, it's just Chloe, she's always like that" A female voice says to me. I look over my shoulder and see the girl with red hair sitting next to me.

"Thanks" I say with a one sided smile. The girl nods and says "I'm Alya by the way". "(Y/n)"

"You're the new girl"

"Yeah, how long have you been going here?"

"Only one year, started last year, the feeling of being new isn't a forgotten memory so I know your shoes pretty well"

"Yeah, I assume you were annoyed by Chloe as well on the first day?"

"Yeah, anyway it's nice to meet you (y/n) teacher's here and I'm saving a seat for Marinette"

"Oh okay, see you"

After introducing myself to the class we did this daily exercise where we had to compliment the person next to us. Instead of missing out on the exercise Ms. Bustier paired me up with Marinette and Alya.

"Hi, I'm Marinette, nice to meet you"

"Hey Marinette, I'm (Y/N)"

After awhile of us three talking we found out we all had a common interest in disliking Chloe, fashion, movies and going outdoors. Marinette and I both found out we liked cooking and baking and after a few minutes of chatting we all became friends.

But are talk was interrupted by a loud crash coming from the window at the from of the class. Squeals of shock were heard shortly after. I look at what had just caused the commotion and saw a large rock that crashed into the teacher's desk. A large hole was in the window it came from.

"(Y/N) it's time to transform!" Trixx whispered to me from my jacket.


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