3 : Blockotron and Breakfast

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y/n = your name
n/n =nickname
l/n = last name
h/c = hair colour
e/c = eye colour
l/o/h = length of hair
f/c = favourite colour

note : this chapter has been briefly edited

I look like a furry.

The reflection in the mirror gave me shivers down my spine. This is certainly new.

"Trixx, we are going to have a huge talk about my superhero appearance" I mutter, shifting my body to get a better look at my orange fox ears. My (l/o/h) (h/c) had white coloured tips and was tied into a high ponytail, I also had an orange and white mask that covered the eyes of my face. The majority of my body was covered by a flexible orange material that had the patterns of a fox and there was a long orange trail behind me, acting like the tail of a fox.

Alright, I guess I have to save Paris in this furry costume.

I exit the girl's bathroom through a small window. When I was out I crouched on the little window ledge taking a moment to spot the most safest and easiest way to scale the school wall and get to the roof. Once I was on the roof top I paused and took in the view of Paris. This is one hell of a view.

After I had finished admiring the view of Paris I began searching for Blockotron. It wasn't hard to spot out the monster. He was a large rocky creature that could be spotted a mile away, I found him near the Eiffel Tower in under twenty seconds. Alright Blocky Boy, let's get you over with. I mutter to myself.

After jumping past several rooftops I get to the scene of the chaos. I crouch, observing the monster's movements. While watching I noticed two other superheroes while watching. Lady bug and Chat Noir.

"Let's join the fun then shall we?" I say to myself before joining the fight. With the speed I had gain from my superhero powers I was able to run up to the first floor of the Eiffel tower. "Yoohoo! Over here blocky boy!" I taunted, catching the monster's attention.

The beast turned around and faced me, forgetting about the other two who he was originally fighting. "That's right, over here buddy!" I yell, waving my arms frantically. The beast started to sprint towards me and in one swift move his large rock hand took a hold of me and he begun to swing me in the air. "ALRIGHT THIS IS NOT WHAT I HAD PLANNED!!!" I scream, feeling my stomach not with fear every time the monster swung me up high.

The movement of the swings made me feel something coming up out of my throat. I'm gonna puke. I gulp and kept my mouth shut, keeping my contents at bay. I need to get out of this situation fast. I then wiggle around the monster's hand, loosening his grip so I could climb out of his hand.

When I was out and standing in his wrist the monster noticed my escape and immediately shook his hand in an attempt to remove me. Luckily for me I managed to latch onto his thumb clinging onto it like my life depended on it. Because it did.

The monster stopped shaking and glared at me, he lifted his free arm and it began to make it's way over to me. He's going to flick me off of his arm! I am going to die! I need to find the Akuma object quickly!

After acknowledging my inevitable doom I looked around my area, searching for the object that might have the Akuma. Not even a second had passed when I saw a neon blue bracelet five feet ahead of me. Wow I'm an idiot, the object was just there. I mentally facepalm myself before grabbing hold of the bracelet.

Suddenly, I felt myself being flicked off of Blockotron's wrist and before I knew it, I was falling back first to the ground clutching onto a neon blue bracelet. It was at this point where my stomach couldn't take it anymore. As I fell to my doom I felt my breakfast slowly make it's way up to my mouth.

I grit my teeth and shut my mouth very tightly preventing my breakfast to leave my mouth. This is how I die. I am going to die on the first day of the —

Two arms grab a hold of me. My eyes widen. Someone had caught me? I look up to face my saviour and see Chat Noir carrying me bridal style. He looked down at me and winked before gently placing me down to the ground. As soon as he let go of me I dropped the bracelet and went down on four knees.

"Not bad for the first day on the job" He chuckled as he walked in front of me. "Need help getting up?"

Before replying to Chat's remark I knew something had to be done.


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