5b : Marinette's point of view

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y/n = your name
n/n =nickname
l/n = last name
h/c = hair colour
e/c = eye colour
l/o/h = length of hair
f/c = favourite colour

note : this chapter has briefly edited

10 minutes earlier.

A yawn escapes the black haired girl. She slowly drags herself over the cream steps of her high school, at the top of the stairs her best friend Alya waits for her.

"You're early for once" The red head comments. Marinette lazily hums a 'yes' in response.

"It's like you didn't sleep a wink last night, don't worry you're not alone, I was too busy thinking of the new superhero that joined Chat and Ladybug yesterday afternoon"

The voice of Alya fangirling over the new superhero was eventually overruled by Marinette's tiredness. Together, the two girls walked themselves to the second floor of the estate and walked to homeroom.

"No one knows her name yet and I just can't believe how cool she is! Sadly I only got one picture of her and—"

Marinette half-listened to Alya's ramble, catching only a few snippets of her chat. She's forgotten all about Ladybug.

"I'm starting to think you have forgotten all about ladybug" Marinette chuckles.

"I'm sorry Mari but she's just so cool!" Alya giggled. She continued to ramble about the new superhero.

Marinette listened to Alya this time, a pang of jealousy hit her body when Alya uttered the words I think I might make a blog about the new superhero. But she resisted her temptation to lash out at Alya.

"Oh, look" Alya stopped her walk and pointed to the science door "the partners are up, let's see if your with your lover" Alya winked and they both made their way to the science door.

A piece of paper was stuck on the glass window of the door, listing all of the partners for the science project. "If you get paired with Adrien you'll have some extra time with him~" Alya giggled.

Marinette did not make a comment, she was too focused on the paper. Her sky blue eyes scanned the paper vigorously, overthinking every word she saw. She read numerous names before finding her own name next to Nino's. A sigh of devastation left the girl's mouth. "I'm with Nino for this project, how about you?" The girl stepped out of the way, allowing Alya to find her name on the piece of paper.

"I'm with Sabrina" The red head sighed.

"If neither of us are with Adrien, who is with him?" Marinette though out loud.

The two girls glanced at each other before glancing at the piece of paper. "I hope he's not with Chloe, she's such a brat" Alya mutters while looking for his name.

"He's with (Y/N).." Marinette says once she found his name. She frowns. "No need to be so sad, nothing bad will happen" Alya reassures her.

"What if when they spend time together they have a lot of chemistry and then - and then - they go out dating and I'm forgotten all because of (Y/N)!" Marinette panics letting her imagination go wild. "What if they have se—"

"Marinette calm down! They're not going to have sex!" Alya says. "This is all in your head you need to be realistic"

"You're right Alya..I'm just being delusional"

"Plus, do you really think (Y/N) would violate the girl code?"

"But I haven't told her yet so she wouldn't know!"

"What? I thought it would be so obvious"



"(Y/N) doesn't really talk to us, she doesn't talk to anyone at all really! I'm not sure if she even pays attention to us so she wouldn't know!"

"Marinette, breathe, everything will be just fine"

Marinette nods and the two besties walk to homeroom together. But even Alya's conversation with Marinette didn't stop her brain from going wild.

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