6 : Unfamiliar tension

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l/n = last name
h/c = hair colour
e/c = eye colour
l/o/h = length of hair
f/c = favourite colour

note : this chapter has not been edited

(Spicy chapter ahead, jk, maybe, idkkk reeeadddd)

3 weeks later...

(I know, big time skip, during this time you and Adrien have grown closer and the two of you began to hang out with each other twice a week enjoying each other's presence. Chat noir, Ladybug and Rowka Raine have been getting rid of Akuma's)

A small clink was hear after the two cans collided. You grin at the blonde who was sitting right next to you.

"Here's to getting an 'A' in science" You cheer, taking a sip of the can of soda in your hand. You place the coke can next to me and took a small bite of your hot dog.

Usually, you eat your hot dog in 2 or 3 bites but you were in public and didn't want Adrien to think negatively of you.

You glance at him, chewing the hot dog as quietly as you could.

You watch him chug the bottle of coke. He wiped of the sides of his mouth, taking away the spilt coke before looking at you, immediately blushing at his embarrassing action.

"S-sorry, I just..  haven't had junk food in a while" He says, looking at the hotdog that sat on his lap.

You giggle and sigh. "Don't worry it's all good, I eat junk food like that too" You take a large bite off you hot dog, leaving only half of it left.

He looks at you and grins. "Thanks for not judging"

You give him a closed mouth smile before covering your mouth and speaking. "Don't worry, it seems like you don't get a lot of treats"

You swallow you food and wait for Adrien to reply. "Yeah, my dad makes me eat 'proper' food as he would say it"

"Yikes, I mean I'm all for healthy but you need a treat every one in while" You take a gulp of drink sigh.

You and Adrien were seated on a green park bench, surprisingly people didn't seem to notice the two of you in public, maybe it was because you guys were in disguises.

You re-adjust you oversized sun glasses and blow a few strands of pink hair out of your face. "Did we really need to wear these disguises?" You glance at Adrien and he chuckles at your response.

"No... I don't think so" he responded , re-adjusting his blue wig. You crumpled up the empty wooden box that held the hotdog in it

Adrien looks at you with a smirk, finishes the last bit of his hot dog and crumpling up his wooden box.

You look at him smirking and he throws his wooden box into the rubbish bin that was a metre away from the two of you. He shrugs, pretending to play it off like it was normal.

You gasp in shock and slight admiration. Your arm strength was weak and you couldn't do netball or basketball if your life depended on it. You hand him your crumpled wooden box and say "do it again"

The blonde does as you wish and does it again, landing it in perfectly. He then stands up and stretches, taking off his blue wig and grey beard and throwing it in the bin. "I don't think we need the disguises anymore" he says, motioning for you to stand up as well.

You join him and stretch before throwing away you one euro sunglasses and wig in the bin.

The two of you decide to walk around Paris, talking while working off the calories the two of you had earned. It wasn't long until a fan noticed you guys together.

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