8 : Study session

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y/n = your name
n/n =nickname
l/n = last name
h/c = hair colour
e/c = eye colour
l/o/h = length of hair
f/c = favourite colour
s/t = skin tone (ex. pale, dark, tanned, etc)

note : this chapter has not been edited

"(Y/N) I'm hungry" The statement was surprising, I didn't know kwamis could get hungry. "Hungry? Kwamis can get hungry?" I ask Trixx. The little fox floats around me and nods holding his grumbling tummy.

"What do you like then? What fills you up the most?" I lean my back against the window seat thinking if possible foods that would quench the kwami.

".... fairy floss...." Trixx says dreamily. "Fairy floss? Where am I suppose to get that?" I furrow my eyebrows.

"There's these things called fairy floss stalls, people work there and hand out fairy floss" Trixx said in a matter of factly tone.

"PEOPLE?! HUMAN INTERACTION?!" I gasp dramatically, I fall onto the window seat placing a hand over my forehead.

"Come on, it will be fun!" Trixx says with a grin. I sat up. "I'm too much of a antisocial awkward mess Trixx, I can't" I reply.

"You were doing fine with Juleka, Luka, Nathaniel and Adrien" Trixx said.

"Well that's because I was with Adrien, I'm fine with Adrien and with him I can actually talk to people"

"You two are social opposites I can't believe you actually like him" Trixx groaned. I blush a bit in embarrassment.

"Whatever Trixx... speaking of which I need to go to Luka's place to get some English tutoring"

"No Adrien? Maybe you aren't such an awkward person after all" Trixx teased.

I chuckle. "Sorry to burst your bubble but Adrien's going too, I'll try to find something for you on the way there"

"Alright (Y/N), while you're there you could even get out of your shell!"

"Alright... I'll try"

A knock was heard from above. "Hello, anyone here?" A voice called from above, it was feminine. I quickly concluded that the voice was (Y/N)'s and ran upstairs, excited with her arrival.

I look at the confused (h/c) and smile at her warmly, she notices my arrival and gives me a wave. "Hey Luka" She spoke. "(Y/N), welcome" I replied.

I guide her to the second floor of the ship, her face expressed confusion, probably because of our odd house. "You live in a ship?" She questioned, still in disbelief of my living area.

I nod, "Yeah odd I know, it makes for interesting interactions with the cops"

She shrugs and nods. "Shall we get started?" I ask her, she smiles and takes out a few books from her bag and follows me to a table.

"Und I com froom France" The accent was thick and barely understandable, I chuckle at (Y/N)'s 12th attempt. "How about we take a break?" I ask the frustrated (h/c), she nods and leans back on the wooden chair. "This is impossible" She groaned, I glance at the time. 6:32.

"You're getting there" I chuckle. She looked at me and smiles. "Thank y—"

A loud scream from the deck was heard. I glance at (Y/N), looking for a reaction. "What was that?" She asked before running upstairs. I follow her and find a teenage girl levitating three feet above the wooden deck. Her skin was a dark purple and her hair was jet black.

(Y/N) gasped at the sight before looking at me. "Luka, hide, you need to be safe" her tone full of authority. I open my mouth to question her safety but wasn't able to speak because (Y/N) soon after shoved me back downstairs, locking the door with a chair outside.

I sprint outside of the boat and hid in a nearby alley where no one could see me. "Trixx" I whispered, the small fox flew out of my jacket and nodded. "Time to transform!"

After my transformation I return to the scene, only to find Ladybug and Chat Noir fighting the odd looking villain. "Couldn't wait for me?" I pout.

Ladybug glances at me and grins. "Maybe you should be quicker next time"

I pout before joining the two superheroes in battle. "Rowka, had a nice mid day nap?" Chat Noir teased, I roll my eyes and grin. "Cats are the ones who sleep all day, foxes are the ones that hunt"

I jump, dodging the villain's broom attack, I hit the ground with a thud, stumbling to regain my balance. "Cat's land on their feet first" Chat said. He joined me and held my waist, helping me to regain my balance. Blush appeared on my (s/t) cheeks. I quietly curse at my body's involuntary reaction. Focus, don't blush!

"Well foxes get the akuma object first!" I reply, quickly getting out of the Cat's grasp. I look away at the smirking cat and focused on the Akumatised victim.

"Lady bug catch!" Chat yells out, throwing the heroine a small yellow bracelet. "Thanks Chat!" She grins before snapping the bracelet in half.

I watch her convert the butterfly back to normal. "Bye bye little butterfly" She waved before looking back at the fallen foe. The victim was easily recognisable, it was Juleka.

I gasp quietly, surprised at the reveal. "Wha-what happened?" She asked us. "You were akumatized" Chat noir answered. "Don't worry, everything is back to normal now, careful next time!" Ladybug said with a grin, she threw her yo-yo out into the distance.

"No pound it?" Chat pouts.

"Sorry Chat, Not this time" ladybug said before rocketing off into Paris. Chat noir glances at me and smirks. "You were blushing when I held your waist"

"No I wasn't" I quickly deny, looking away from the black cat. I cover my face with my hand and felt the burning sensation on my cheeks.


"And you're blushing now! Do you have a crush on me foxy?" He teased.

I glare at him. "Don't get too cocky now kitty"

"Says you, I got the bracelet first by the way" He grinned.

"S-Shut up! It's only because I let you!" I was then reminded of my study session with Luka. "Oh! I got to go, see you later kitty!"

I bolted off the ship and headed into an alley, quickly de-transforming. "(Y/N) I'm hungry.." Trixx said immediately. I chuckle. "I'll ask Luka if he has anything, but for now hold on tight!" I say before opening up my jacket. I use my hand to gesture the entrance and Trixx nods tiredly, entering my jacket unseen.

I then run back to Luka's home only to bump into Adrien at the deck. "Adrien!" I say with a small wave.

"Hey (Y/N), sorry for coming late, I had some business to deal with"

I nod and smile. "Don't worry, I get it, you'll catch up to my low level soon... Luka's a really good teacher"

Adrien chuckles and follows me downstairs to where Luka was.

Little did I know, Adrien's blood was boiling with jealousy.

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