7 : English

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l/n = last name
h/c = hair colour
e/c = eye colour
l/o/h = length of hair
f/c = favourite colour

note : this chapter has not been edited

Your language teacher began to list your homework which you quickly wrote down in your diary before glancing at the clock again. The clock ticked slowly as you watched the seconds pass by. You were desperate for lunch.

The bell rang and you smile. It was lunch. You packed up your books and exited the classroom bumping into Alya outside. "Oh hey Alya" You smile. The autumn haired girl glanced at you, she looks troubled. "Hey (Y/N)" Alya weakly greeted.

You frown. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing" Alya replied, clearly not comfortable telling you her problems. You didn't blame her though, the two of you barely speak. You were an introvert and preferred to sit by yourself outside. You nod and bid goodbye and went downstairs to put your things away in your locker.

Once you exited the locker room you were met by a pair of emerald green eyes again. This situation again. You thought to yourself. You step back a bit, farthing your distance from the blonde.

"(Y) - (Y) -(Y/N)!" The blonde stuttered. A faint blush appeared on his cheeks. The blushing stopped and he went back to his normal posture. "Sorry (Y/N)" He said normally, now comfortable with your presence.

"It's fine Adrien, all good" You said with a tight smile. "I was looking for you actually" the blonde stated as he rubbed his neck.

"You were? Why?" You asked, shocked at his response.

"Oh, I was wondering you wanted to hang out with and some of my other friends in the library today"

"Sure, who else is coming?" You ask, you were excited, getting to meet a few of Adrien's friends and spending more time with Adrien sounded like a great time.

"I'll tell you when we get there" The blonde grinned. He seemed excited. Adrien grabbed you by the hand and started to lead you to the library.

You liked the feeling of your hand intertwined with Adrien's but you decided not to express it. Your body however, went against your will and made your face beetroot red the whole walk to the library.

When the two of you entered the library a group of 3 people were sitting on a table, two boys and a girl. Two of the people on the table had dyed hair, the girl on the right had purple tips and the boy next to her had blue tips. The boy who was sitting opposite of the couple n had bright red hair and crystal blue eyes. You paid attention to the blue haired boy the most, he seemed to be the oldest of the group and the cutest.

You and Adrien walked towards the group, Adrien said hi and began to introduce the group to you. He pointed to the person he was referring to "The boy that has red hair is Nathaniel but you can call him Nathan, the girl with purple hair is Juleka and the boy in the blue hair is her brother, Luka."

"Hi everyone, I'm (Y/N)" You waved. They all waved back and you and Adrien took a seat next to each other.

You and the group began to chat about school and other things. The subject went from toilets, to Chloe and her dad, Jagged Stone and then, school grades.

"I suck at English" You stated with a sigh. "I keep failing it"

As we chatted, I got to know (Y/N) better. It turned out we enjoyed the same genres of music and were both a fan of Jagged Stone. One of the things I notice about (Y/N) was the way she talked. She was always focused on Adrien and his opinions. Adrien did the same thing as well, concentrating on (Y/N)'s opinions and expressions.

"I suck at English" (Y/N) stated with a sigh. "I keep failing it."

I watch Adrien closely, noticing that he was very concentrated with (Y/N)'s words.

"Luka's great at English, he's practically fluent in it" Nathaniel replied. "He could tutor you" The red haired boy suggested.

I glance back at Adrien, looking for a reaction. A frown took over his face. "Yeah, that's only because I'm two years older than you guys and I've gotten to learn it more" I say, joining the conversation.

I look back at (Y/N) who had a glint of hope in her eyes. "You know the basics right?" I ask her. "I think? Maybe... a little bit" She replied.

"Do you understand what I'm saying now?" I ask her in English. She nods. "Yes I ondorstand yoi" She replies with a strong French accent. I chuckle at her attempt at responding in English and she turns beetroot red in embarrassment.

"Je suis condamné! Je suis nul en anglais!" (I'm doomed! I'm bad at English!) She groaned, returning to her native tongue.

I laugh "I could always help, we can go to my place after school tomorrow if you want" I suggest returning to French as well.

"That would do me so much help! Thank you" (Y/N) grinned. I look at the rest. "You guys want to join us?" I ask Nathaniel and Adrien.

"Sorry, I have to help mum with the moving boxes" Nathaniel sighed. I nod and looked at Adrien. I observe his facial expressions, but was not able to read him. "Sure, I'm down, I can tell my Chinese and Spanish teacher to reschedule my advanced lessons" He said casually.

I hold back a chuckle and nod. "Meet you after school around 6 then"

Chinese AND Spanish AND French AND Italian AND Portuguese teacher to reschedule my ADVANCE lessons.

I know, I'm that cool. Anyway just kidding it was all google translate, please vote, comment and share if you are enjoying this book and follow me for more updates!

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