A/N : 200 reads! + update(s)

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200 reads! :
✦ Alright! Another one hundred of you guys already? It's been less than a week thank you guys so much! Sorry if it's really annoying these little A/N things. This will probably the last A/N about the "hundreds" reads. But thank you so much for the 200 reads guys!

✦ School and other commitments can really take off some time on writing these chapters so that's why I'll try to post twice a week.

✦ The last chapter had a lot of Adrien personality changes. I understand that Adrien/Chat IS flirtatious but not all the time. If you have any problem with Adrien being too flirtatious please comment down below or on this paragraph and tell me what I should do with him instead! I'm open to criticism and suggestions :)

Anyway see you in the next A/N !

The Third Miraculous ✦ Adrien x reader | ONGOINGWhere stories live. Discover now