10 : Valentines day

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y/n = your name
n/n =nickname
l/n = last name
h/c = hair colour
e/c = eye colour
l/o/h = length of hair
f/c = favourite colour
s/t = skin tone (ex. pale, dark, tanned, etc)

Sorry for the rushed chapter

note : this chapter has not been edited

"Rowka, didn't expect to see you here" I was startled, but the voice was familiar, I turn around and see Chat Noir leaning against the streetlight.

"Same is said for you" I answered back, I turn around, returning my gaze to the mini ice cream shop. "It's valentines day, why are you alone?" Chat noir asked, appearing beside me.

"Well one, I'm single" I began, I hear Chat Noir snicker at my sentence. I look at him chuckling away. "Sorry, it was just so surprising"  Chat Noir replies sarcastically.

I roll my eyes "Says you, what are you doing here alone?"

"Getting ice cream from the man over there" Chat noir states, he takes my hand and leads me to the ice cream man. A long queue was in front of the ice cream man, at least 8 couples were waiting for his ice cream.

As we walked together I wondered why there was so many people waiting for his ice cream. I also enjoyed how Chat Noir's hand was soft and gentle. What the hell (Y/N) stop thinking about that what's wrong with you?

"Why is there a long queue?" I ask the cat leading me towards the front of the queue. As we walked in front of the couples they started to squeal in excitement, screaming "It's Chat Noir and the new superhero!". Not at all bothered by the fact we were jumping the queue, I would be upset, superhero or not.

"Haven't you heard? This man's ice cream is a legend, the couples who eat his ice cream on valentines day are said to be together forever" Chat Noir explains.

"But we're not a couple—" I quickly butt in, not wanting to be in a relationship with Chat Noir.

"You didn't let me finish, his ice cream is said to also describe your soulmate" Chat Noir continued, we approached the man and he gave us a large smile.

"Two singles I see?" He asked. Chat Noir nodded and he began to start scooping out ice cream fo the two of us.

"For the gentleman, (h/c) like her hair, (s/t) like her skin and (e/c) like her gorgeous (e/c) eyes" the man gave Chat Noir his scoop and he grinned in returned, eagerly taking a bite out of it.

"For the lady, lemon like his blonde hair, vanilla like his skin and mint for his twinkling green eyes"


My mind immediately day dreams. "Madame?" The man asked me, confused on my still expression.

"Oh sorry, thank you very much" I say, quickly taking he cone off his hands.

"It's on the house, for saving Paris" He said with a wink before working on the next couple behind us.

lemon like his blonde hair, vanilla like his skin and mint for his twinkling green eyes

please be Adrien.

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