11 : Movie date?

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"They don't have any feathers" Adrien said. He sat directly in front of me, it was after school and Adrien and I have been hanging out in the library for about half an hour now discussing about penguins.

"They do have hair though" I replied with, leaning onto the wooden table with a grin. Adrien leaned close to my face and grinned. My cheeks were heating up.

"No they don't" He said. I stood frozen, the distance between are faces was close. Help me.

I stay silent, switching my gaze between his pink plump lips and his emerald green eyes.

(Y/N) stop looking at his lips.

"Yeah, have't you seen happy feet?" I asked, slightly stuttering my words. Stop.

"Happy feet?" Adrien asked with confusion, I gasp.

"Happy feet, the movie with penguins!"

"I've never seen that movie before — I don't watch movies that often"

"Maybe we could watch it some time? Together?" Wait, what?


Why didn't I think this through? Adrien now knows I have a crush on him, and he'll say no AND HE'LL AVOID ME AND I'M GOING TO BE FOREVER ALONE —

"Are you asking me out (L/N)?" His mouth quirked up into a smirk.


"What if I am?" I grinned.

"What if I said yes?"

"Are you saying yes?" My eyebrow lifted.


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