5a: The Project

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y/n = your name
n/n =nickname
l/n = last name
h/c = hair colour
e/c = eye colour
l/o/h = length of hair
f/c = favourite colour

note : this chapter has been briefly edited

"Each term all students have two projects that are assigned to them, one at the beginning of the term and one at the end. The projects relate to the current term's topic which is currently sustainability" Ms. Mendeleiev says. "This science project will be done in partners, you and your partner must build a model of a sustainable house on a thick A3 board, you must also write a 1,000-word essay describing your model, how was it made? What was the inspiration? And so forth, both of you must write the essay. The rest of the requirements of the project are on this piece of paper and you must complete every one of them"

A groan of annoyance leaves my mouth along with the majority of the class. Ms. Mendeleiev ignores the groans and makes her way around the classroom handing out pieces of paper that listed all of the requirements of the project. After handing the papers out Ms. Mendeleiev returned to her desk for the last announcement. "Another thing, I will be choosing your partners for this project. This project will not be completed in class so you and your partner must set up a time to complete the project, this will develop your skills of time management, organisation and plenty of other of things that will be helpful in the adult world. The project is due in 2 weeks and I will put the partner arrangements up on the window tomorrow morning"

I close my bedroom door gently with a sigh. "Trixx... how am I suppose to do my school work AND my superhero work at the same time?!" I frown. After a moment of silence, the Trixx flies out of my (f/c) jacket.

"How about you finish your homework early? Do the homework on the day it was assigned? What about not being lazy and stop procrastinating? That should really do the trick, oh wait, you probably won't do any of that" Trixx teased, I roll my eyes to his response.

"Alright, I get it! I'm the worst student ever, enough with the teasing"

"Well I wouldn't say the worst student ever — maybe coming into a close second or third" He giggled.

"You're really boosting my self-esteem here" I say sarcastically as I sat on the edge of my (f/c) bed. Trixx frowned and dropped on top of my lap, shuffling his body slightly so he could lay down on the crack of my legs.

"I'm sorry (Y/N), I didn't mean to hurt your feelings"

I giggle and pat the little kwami's soft orange head gently. "I'm just joking Trixx, thanks for caring about my feeling though"

"No problem! But I wasn't joking about your school work and you better finish your math homework because it's due tomorrow!"

I groan and sluggishly crawl off my bed. "Agh you're like my second mum" I frowned as I made my way to my desk. Trixx followed behind me.

"No, I'm like your beloved kwami who you absolutely adore"

I smile and affectionately look at my kwami. "That's one thing you got right"

I frown at the sight of the partners paper "I totally forgot that we have to work in partners for the project." I scan the piece of paper, searching for my name along with my partner's. "My partner is Adrien Agreste? Who's he?" I ask myself. "Well maybe if you weren't such an introvert you would know" Trixx said underneath my (f/c) jacket.

I roll my eyes and sigh. I turn around and I met a pair of emerald green eyes that were too close to my face for my liking. "GAH!" I squeal, slightly jumping back in surprise. "Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you" The boy said sheepishly, his cheeks turned pink as soon he looked away from me. "Don't worry about it, I just didn't expect you to be there" I look closely at the boy's face, it seemed familiar, but I couldn't put my finger on it. I observed his face, he had shining emerald green eyes and beach blonde hair that glistened in the light. Damn, he's cute.

He widened his eyes slightly before looking back at me. "Thanks... I'm Adrien, Adrien Agreste"

"I'm (Y/N), (Y/N) (L/N)" I smile.

"(Y/N) (L/N)... Aren't we partners?" He rose his eyebrow slightly.

"Yeah, for the science project, when do you want to start working on it?"

"Hmm.." he tapped his index finger on his chin and thought for a moment. "Maybe tomorrow after school, at my place, is that alright with you?"

"Yeah, I'm cool with that"

"Great, you can ride home with me tomorrow then, I'll see you tomorrow (Y/N)"

"Yeah, see you tomorrow Adrien"

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