4 : My Name

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y/n = your name
n/n =nickname
l/n = last name
h/c = hair colour
e/c = eye colour
l/o/h = length of hair
f/c = favourite colour

note : this chapter has briefly edited

"Yikes" Chat Noir commented, scrunching up his nose and furrowing his eyebrows to the noise of my spew. "You okay newbie?" He asked me. I sat on my knees and looked at Chat Noir who was there waiting for my response. "Yes, I-I think so" I sigh."Sorry for that, not an ideal way to respond to someone" I sheepishly smiled. "It's all good, can't blame you after your ride just then" Chat shrugs and places his hand on his hip.

"Thanks and I believe this belongs to Ladybug" I reach out to grab the neon bracelet that was three feet away from me before standing up and handing it over to Chat Noir. "Right, I'll give this to her —" Chat says with a nod. "That was sure some kind of ride" Ladybug chuckled from behind. "Hello my bugaboo, I believe this belongs to you" Chat threw the neon bracelet to Ladybug, winking when she successfully caught it. "Chat, you can keep trying but I will always say no" Ladybug sighed before dropping the bracelet to the ground and crushing it with her foot.

A dark purple butterfly comes out of the object and I observe it's actions. "So that's an akuma..." I say while watching the butterfly, it flapped it's wings for a brief moment before it was captured by LadyBug's yo-yo. "Mhm, we have to catch it before it spreads to other victims" Ladybug explains before releasing the butterfly which had magically transformed white. "And Hawkmoth sends these akumas am I correct?" I ask for confirmation. "Yep and we need to find Hawkmoth to stop these attacks" Chat says walking to Ladybug's side. "Isn't that right bugaboo?" He grins. "Chat I told you to stop calling me that" Ladybug groans.

I lightly chuckle at the rejection. A small beep came from ladybug's earrings afterwards. "That's me folks! Chat, you and the new girl are doing night watch, teach her the ropes, I need to go and — do something" Lady bug instructed, stuttering and blushing on the last part. "Are you going on a date?" Chat asked, he furrowed his eyebrows and pressing his lips together into a frown. "Can't tell" Ladybug smirks "Might reveal my secret identity, laters!" She unravels her yo-yo and hooks it onto a roof gutter before flying away.

"Looks like Chat noir's love life isn't as purrrfect as he wanted it to be?" I smirk, giggling at my own pun. Chat noir turns around chuckling. "Not bad kitty, I'll meet you here at sunset"

"So, how long have you and ladybug been working together?" I ask Chat. It had been only 45 minutes of my first night shift and I was already bored with the inactivity. He raised his eyebrow and looked at me "Aren't you the nosey one kitty?"

"Well, there's nothing else to do, we are going to be working together after all so why not get to know each other?"

"We've been working together for about a year now kitty and I certainly did not expect to have a new superhero like you come"

"Well here I am, here to spice things up"

Chat chuckled and shook his head "How about we go to my favourite rooftop and talk there more huh?"


Chat led me to a rooftop that had a beautiful view of a nearby lake. The place was lit up with the street lights below and the stars that were in the sky. "This is gorgeous Chat" I said as my eyes wandered about the area, admiring it's beauty. "Yeah, I know, that's why I like it so much" he sat down at the edge of the roof top, I joined him shortly after and we watched Paris for a bit in silence. Awkward silence.

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