5d : What Did I Do?

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y/n = your name
n/n =nickname
l/n = last name
h/c = hair colour
e/c = eye colour
l/o/h = length of hair
f/c = favourite colour

note : this chapter has been briefly edited

ten minutes earlier...

An ear piercing screech leaves the mouth of a 10 year old brunette boy. He stood in a wide foot stance on top of a brown leather couch, crossing his arms in fury.

"I. Don't. Want. To. Sleep!" He yells to his mother. His mother, who was in front of him was a 30 year old woman who shared the dark brunette hair as her child. "August!! You're being so loud be quiet!! It's nearly 10 and it's a school night! You are going to sleep!" The woman scolds.

"I don't want to! I'm a big kid! You can't tell me what to do!"

The mother sighs and rubs her temples. She pauses for a minute, thinking of what to say next.

"That's it! I have told you to go to sleep five times now! I will be grounding you from the Xbox AND your iPad, now get in your room!" She says with an angry tone.

The child groans in response. He reluctantly obeyed his mother and went to his room, taking out his anger on the door by viciously slamming it shut.

He jumps on his bed and screams loudly into his pillow, releasing his anger and frustration.

All was quiet after his scream. The boy lay on his bed silently thinking of ways to entertain himself while his gadgets were gone.

As he thought loud laughs, giggles and music were heard from his neighbours across the street. He thought the noise would stop after a few seconds but it didn't, the laughter didn't stop much to the boy's annoyance.

"Ugh! Why can't they shut up?! it's unfair!" He groans, he tightly covers his ears with a pillow in an attempt to blockout the sound.

"It's unfair! Why do I get scolded when I'm loud but others don't!? If I can't be loud then no one can!"

The boy huffed and got off his bed, he walked towards the window to shut it fully. Unfortunately for him, he did not notice the dark purple butterfly the crept inside at the last second.

The butterfly flew behind him and landed on his blue watch.

A deep voice was then heard that uttered the words "Hello Silencer, my name is Hawkmoth."

Adrien altered his current position, he climbed on top of my stomach and tickled me from there. I laugh uncontrollably as he tickled me "Ad-rie-n" I say between pants. "I can't breathe! You're so heavy!" I start to push Adrien off my stomach, but it was no use, he was stuck in his position.

"How dare you call me heavy (Y/N)!"


A loud cough was heard coming from the window, we both pause in our actions to look at the window. Perched on the thin window was Ladybug with an angry expression on her face.

"L-Lady bug?" Adrien questions, he hops off me immediately and stands to face her. I join him shortly afterwards, raising an eyebrow of confusion.

"I've been receiving noise complaints about you two, you two need to be quiet" Ladybug says. She hops off the window and leans on the window crossing her arms.

"Sorry Ladybug, we'll be quieter" I apologise.

Adrien stays quiet , eyeing down Ladybug silently.

"I'm talking about you mostly (Y/N)" She scolds, she walks towards me with an angry expression on her face. Adrien watches closely at the heroine's actions.

Did I interrupt her beauty sleep or something? I already apologised.

"It's 10 PM and you should be more mindful of others around you" She points a finger at me and comes close to my face. I tried backing away but couldn't because of the couch that was directly behind me.

"I'm sorry—"

"Not everything is about you (Y/N)! You're bothering Adrien, the neighbours, everybody! Stop bothering us!" She yelled, emphasising the word everybody. She backs away from my face and heads towards the open window from where she entered from.

I felt a lump in my throat. My eyes start watering with tears which I desperately tried to hold back. "Alright, I'll go" I croak, trying to hold back my tears. I look at Adrien and softly smile at him, wiping a tear from my face.

His facial expressions were softened and his lips were curved into a frown.

"Bye Adrien" I scurry out of the room ignoring Adrien's calls to come back. When I exited Adrien's bedroom I wipe my tears away and calmed my hitching breath.

I'm just nuisance, I shouldn't have came.

I left the house with tears rolling down my face and began my 20 minute journey home.

About 3 minutes into the walk I pause and shivered.

I forgot my jacket at Adrien's, shoot.

"Well, I'll just go back home as Rowka Raine" I mutter to myself. I go to a nearby alleyway and call out "Trixx, ears on!" But nothing happens.

"What? Trixx?" I look around my body looking for my purse that I kept Trixx in. But there was no purse. I cuss quietly.

"I forgot my purse AND jacket at Adrien's" I mutter to myself, I slip out of the Alley way and walked back to Adrien's house.

As I walked past numerous of houses all of which had loud noises coming out of them. "Huh... lot's of people are awake tonight, wonder why" I thought out loud.

The noise continued as I walked down the street, after a few minutes of walking I saw Adrien's house in the distance. As I walked I began to think about Ladybug's scolding.

Everybody else is awake and loud...

I made the least amount of noise compared to these houses!

It's unfair!

I sigh and shake my head. "Oh well, there's nothing I can do about it now, just need to get my stuff from Adrien's and head on home...."

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Next chapter will have some action from Adrien's point of view so stay updated by adding this to your reading list!

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