5c : Partners

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y/n = your name
n/n =nickname
l/n = last name
h/c = hair colour
e/c = eye colour
l/o/h = length of hair
f/c = favourite colour

note : this chapter is unedited

Where is he?

I observe my surroundings, trying to find the blonde male who said he'd be in the exact same spot that I was standing in by 3:20. It was 3:30.

Unluckily for me I did not find him, instead I found Alya and Marinette in the distance, chatting on top of the stairs. Maybe they know where he is. I sigh. Well, they probably don't but at least it would give me something to do.

I walk up the stairs and wave at the two girls. "Hey guys" I smile at them. They both looked at me but only Alya smiled back Marinette however, frowned and looked away. Wonder what's wrong with her...

"Hey (Y/N)" Alya waved. I come closer to the two besties before stopping. "Nothing much, have you see Adrien? He was suppose to meet me around 10 minutes ago"

Marinette turned to look at me, her face lit up. I rose an eyebrow, odd..she can't be happy about that right?

"Maybe he forgot about it or something?" Marinette suggested a little too quickly. Her tone seemed chirpier and happy, completely contrasting her sad mood she had a few seconds ago.

She is happy about that, she's jealous!

"No I don't think so, I overheard him talking to (Y/N) at math" Alya said to Marinette, her mouth curved into a smile but her eyes told a different mood.

"Yeah, he came up to me at math, he made sure of where we would meet up"

Marinette furrowed her eyebrows slightly before going into a normal state.

"Sorry (Y/N) can't help you here" Marinette said.

"Alright, thanks for the help anyway, bye guys" I say before walking away.

"Bye (Y/N)" Alya says in the distance.

I return to my original spot. Right in front of the crosswalk. After a few minutes I checked my phone. 3:38. I groan and texted Adrien.


Adrien, I'm at the spot, where are you?


While waiting for a response I look around my surroundings again.


Sorry for being late, I see you in the distance


"(Y/N)!" I hear a voice call for me to my left. I turn to see Adrien, red as a tomato.

"Your late" I say bluntly.

"Yeah, Sorry, I had to do some business"

"Alrighty, shall we go then?"


"Your bedroom is massive Adrien" I say. I look around the room gaping at the large room. "Yeah, do you want a snack or anything before we start the project?" He asked me, dismissing the subject of his bedroom immediately.

"No, I'm good thanks, let's just begin."

After several hours we had just finished the base of our project, we wrote down where to put the things, the basic out line of the essay part of the project. We would've gotten much more done if it weren't for our talking and the distraction of video games. It was odd, Adrien and I only met yesterday, before then, we were strangers.

But only after a few hours of being in his presence we grew close.

We stood directly opposite each other, both leaning on the fouse ball table. "I'm going to win Adrien, get your allowance ready for lunch" I say with a grin of cockiness. He smirks. "(Y/N) babe, you look cute when you think you can beat me"

Blood comes rushing to my cheeks, I was caught off guard by Adrien's flirtatious comment.

"Doing a little flirting aren't ya? Hun, two can play it that way" I wink.

He blushes slightly before returning to his original competitive stance. "We both need to win one more game to win, don't get too cocky, anything could happen."

"Keep telling yourself that Agreste"

He smirks before twisting the fouse ball handle, kicking the soccer ball to my side of the field. "You sneaky little—" I stop my sentence half way, I move the handle in front of me to the right, blocking the soccer ball.

"No swearing babe" Adrien grins.

"Hun, you look so hot when you're about to loose" I smirk. Using my left hand to twist the knob I successfully kick the ball into Adrien's goal.

"Hey! No fair! You caught me off guard!" Adrien pouts.

I giggle at his childish attitude. "Thanks for paying for the lunch love, is 1:30 okay with you?"

"You're so cocky (Y/N)"

I grin in response, ignoring his insult.

"I'm going to teach you a lesson"

I look at Adrien with a raised eyebrow. He smirks before walking towards me. "You're getting close their buddy" I say backing away from the smirking blonde.

"Adrien!" I squeal, my feet are lifted off the ground and carried to the couch. "Adrien let me go!"

"You're so heavy (Y/N)!" He teased.

"Shut up!!" I say, kicking and screaming to get out of the boy's grasp. But it was to late, I was dumped on the couch with no where to go all I could do is go through Adrien's 'lesson'.

"AGH! STOP TICKLING ME ADRIEN!" I demand. However, Adrien did not obey and continued to tickle my torso.

"That's what you get for catching me off guard" Adrien grins.

"Adrien it's 10 pm! We're making so much noise! We're gonna get in trouble!" I laugh while squirming on the couch.


Looks like someone's letting their other identity merge with their 'normal' one 😉
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