5h : Silencer pt. 4

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y/n = your name
n/n =nickname
l/n = last name
h/c = hair colour
e/c = eye colour
l/o/h = length of hair
f/c = favourite colour

note : this chapter has not been edited


I slowly get up from the concrete pavement and turned to face Chat.

His back was slouched and his head fell limp, facing the pavement. His mouth was tightly shut and a black thread slowly sew the two lips together.

My eyes widen. "Ch-Ch-Ch-Chat?" I stutter, horrified at the sight.

He lifted his face to look at me, a wide grin was plastered on his face. "Oh my...." I whisper.

Chat steps to the side of the pavement and looks behind him. Silencer held his scythe high, ready to slash me into pieces. I gulp, taking two steps back from the villain.

I'm going to get akumatized.

I shut my eyes tightly, accepting my fate.


My yo-yo extends and latches onto the wrist of the villain. I watch the girl below me look up at me and gasp and smirk.

I pull the yo-yo, tying back the excess rope before jumping down and swinging around the villain.

Once the villain was tied up I land on the pavement and yank the yo-yo once more, causing the villain to fall the ground.

"Get his watch!" I instruct the girl who was standing close by. She nods and runs up to Silencer's wrist, slipping the bright blue watch off of him and snapping it in half.

I retract my yo-yo and aim it towards the flying dark purple bird.

Time to get this akuma out of it!

The  yo-yo encapsulates the butterfly and after a moment later it releases it. I smile at the little white butterfly as it flies away before facing the girl who helped me.

"(Y/N)?" I say in disbelief.

"Oh....Ladybug..." She looks uncomfortable.

"(Y/N) I'm sorry about tonight" I apologise with a frown.

She looks up at me and gives me a small smile. "It's fine, it's all good" She says.

I nod before looking up and screaming "MIRACULOUS LADYBUG!"

In an instant the magic works it's way to the city, turning the people back into their original self and everything was back to normal.


5 minutes later....

Ladybug appears from the dark and gives me a smile. I give her a smile back, I glance at Chat noir, dusting himself off.

"Wh-what happened?" The blonde asks.

"You saved me" I smile. He gives me a small smile in return. "Thank you!" I say before giving Chat Noir a hug.

After a few moments had past I let go of him and look at his beetroot face. I giggle at the hero's blush and smile.

"Not going to stay anything in return?" I ask him.

He looks at me and opens his mouth to say something, but nothing comes out.

"Cat got your tongue?" I giggled and a loud groan comes from behind me. I laugh slight before glancing at Ladybug and waving her goodbye. She returns the wave with a wave back.

I face Chat noir again and wave him goodbye before leaving.

Today was a good night


I return to my bedroom with a dreamy sigh. Plagg flies out of my white jacket and sighs at my love-struck expression.

"Absolutely smitten aren't you?" He asks me.

I grin and say nothing, sliding down against the cold window into a cross legged position.

Plagg follows me and sighs.

"You are one smitten kitten"

This book will be slowly updated, sorry! But if you enjoyed don't forget to vote, comment and share it!

Also please check out my first original called "Molly"

Ta ta!

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