5e : Silencer

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y/n = your name
n/n =nickname
l/n = last name
h/c = hair colour
e/c = eye colour
l/o/h = length of hair
f/c = favourite colour

note : this chapter has not been edited


"(Y/N) don't go!" I call out the fleeing (h/c) name. But she ignored it. I groan and looked at Ladybug. Now she's really done it. "That was uncool ladybug, she wasn't bothering me" I say to her crossing my arms.

"Well, she was bothering the neighbourhood!" She said. We stood in silence for a moment, loud noises were heard from around the neighbourhood. "Yeah right, they're loud too" I scoff.

"Well—" She begins before being cut off by a crowd of people screaming in fear. We both look at the window to witness a crowd of people running away from a grim reaper like man.

He was a horrifying sight. He was floating in the air with his black hooded cloak trailing behind him. He had a silver mask on, concealing his skin around his eyes, similar to Ladybug's and my one mask. For a weapon, he has a large scythe that was as large as his tiny body, he looked to be around ten.

The most scariest thing about the villain was his mouth, stitched together with black thread and was permanently curved into a horrifying smile.

Shivers ran down my spine and I felt my skin create tiny goosebumps. Hawkmoth has really added the scare in this costume.

I glance and at Ladybug, she was already looking at me. We stared into each other's eyes for a moment, I noticed her cheeks were tinted pink after the moment was over.

"Cat got your tongue?" She asked with a small smirk.

I was caught off guard, ladybug never jokes around. I felt my cheeks heat up.

Adrien think, she's rejected you so many times why don't you take a hint?

She doesn't like you in a romantic way.

Focus.. stop, she's already said no.

I shake my head and the heat from my cheeks stopped. "No, what are you going to do?" I ask sternly.

"I'm going to find Chat Noir, stay put and stay safe" She Said before climbing onto the window ledge and swinging herself out.

Once she was gone I walk to my bedroom door and locked it. "Plagg" I call out, the little black kwami comes out of my jack with a yawn.

"Do you have any cam-"

"No time for Camembert Plagg, it's time to transform" I say, cutting of his sentence.

"Whaaa? I just woke up thou—"

"Plagg, claws out!"


"Come on Chat, where are you?" I whisper to myself, dialling Chat's number again. no answer.

My earrings emits a small beep shortly afterwards. "I need to de-transform" I mutter to myself. "Tikki, spots off"

Am exhausted black spotted kwami comes out of my earrings panting for breath. "Sorry for working you so hard Tikki" I frown, cupping the little kwami in my hands. "Marinette! I told you not to use your powers for your own purposes!" She scolded.

I frown. "I know I know, it's just something came over me when (Y/N) and Adrien were hanging out" I reply.

"Better yet you were extremely rude to (Y/N)! You need to sort things out"

"I know, I can't believe I did that... I was so angry that Adrien and (Y/N) we're getting along so well and I just—"

"Don't say that to me, say that to (Y/N). She's done nothing wrong"

"You're right Tikki, I'll make it up to her tonight, are you rested?"

"Yeah! Now go save Paris"

"Alright! Tikki spots on!"


"Hello Ladybug" I greet the spotted girl who was perched on top of the edge of the roof.

"No nicknames tonight?" She asked, slightly surprised. I shrug and joined her.

"Yeah, after a talk with the newbie I understand you don't like me in that way" I explain.

"Thanks for understanding" She smiles. I stay silent as I observe the villain's actions.

The villain's plastered smile send shivers down my spine. Creepy as hell.

I watch how he used his scythe to silence the screaming people and how he left alone the citizens who were silent. He people who he silenced became his army and joined into the march which was trailing behind the villain.

The villain waved it scythe in the sky and little white particles came out of it which formed the word 'silencer'.

"So, Silencer is the name for our new villain" I say, looking at Ladybug.

"Great, time to take silencer down"

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