5g : Silencer pt. 3

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l/n = last name
h/c = hair colour
e/c = eye colour
l/o/h = length of hair
f/c = favourite colour

note : this chapter has not been edited

"Trixx! Trixx!" I call. I wander about Adrien's room. "Where in the world did I leave my stuff?" I mutter.

I look around Adrien's bedroom, observing his chosen decor, getting a small glimpse into his personality. There sure it a lot of black here

I walk to a nearby bookcase, forgetting about my original mission. I skim through the spines of the books he owns.

"They're all superhero based..."

My attention was caught by a bright blue book that sat on the top shelf labelled 'Mom'.

"What's this?" I whisper to myself. Because of my height I wasn't able to grab the book, I groan. "Dammit (Y/N) you should really start sleeping early."

I go on my toes, trying to reach the book once again. Not enough. I grab a hold of a lower shelf and use it to boost myself up to the book.

I jump. I'm nearly there.

Putting more pressure into the lower shelf I jump once more.


The next thing I knew a bunch of books had fell on top of me. I groan in pain. After digging myself out of the pile of books I was buried under I looked at the destruction I had just made.

"Adrien is going to kill me" I exclaim.

"Who is making noise!?" A hide comes from the window. I freeze. Is that Adrien's dad?

"I said who is making that noise?!" I turn to face where the words were coming from. The window. "It can't be Adrien's dad" I mutter.

"BE SILENT!" The voice snaps. A dark mist seeps through the window and I freeze in fear. Without Trixx I can't do anything... I'm nothing! I'm dead without him!

A cloaked boy appears through the mist, a stitched grin was plastered on his face. I shiver in fear. "I am Silencer and you cannot speak no longer" He said. But his mouth didn't move, it stayed shut.

His head limped and swung to his left shoulder. He raised his scythe and grinned wider.

I walk to the fouse ball table, not taking my eyes off the creature. His eyes watched my every move. Goose bumps appeared on my skin.

I grip the table's edge, ready to use it as a weapon. I don't think I'm strong enough to push this table.

The villain comes closer, grinning like a maniac. He stops directly in front of the fouse ball table and stays there for a moment.

"If I can't be loud... no one can" He whispered, he lifted his scythe even more.

I'm going to die

He swings the scythe downward.

Here goes nothing.

chat noir

A screaming (h/c) runs down the street I was directly above. I watch the girl from above, listening to her calls for help.


I pan to the right, to see what is chasing the girl. Silencer.

"Alright, time to save a damsel in distress"

I stand up from my crouching position and begin to run beside the screaming girl. Because of the different platforms we were on I only got to catch a few glimpses of the girl's face.

I run faster, going in front of her.

Once I was far in front of her I jump down to the ground and wait for the girl to run into my arms.

"Don't worry I'm here!" I scream to her.

I recognise that face.


"(Y/N) I got you! Run faster!" I ready my baton, holding it vertically so I could extend the baton upwards.

I watch her run, she's fast. "Chat!" She calls.

She's only a few feet away.

I then notice the dark looming figure above her. Silencer has caught up to her. His scythe high and ready to slice (Y/N).

"(Y/N) move!"

So many cliffhangers I know! But if you enjoyed it don't forget to vote comment and share this book!

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