Chapter 2

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Kurt walked into glee club a little late just so he could be partners with Blaine
"Sorry, I'm late" Kurt said to Mr Schue
"Its ok, I'll pair you up with Blaine since he didn't have a partner" Mr Schue said
"That's cool" Kurt nodded and sat next to Blaine
"So we're partners" Blaine started
"Yeah, I mean I did ask you if you wanted to be my partner" Kurt shrugged
"But won't Brittany mind" Blaine asked
Kurt mentally slapped himself, of course Blaine would ask him about Brittany
"I mean, she's with Santana who's her best friend" Kurt told him
"Ok, I just don't want to cause any sort of trouble between you two" Blaine explained
"Its totally cool, I promise nothing's going to happen" Kurt assured
"Ok, I'm trusting you" Blaine warned him
After practice, Kurt hoped he would get to hang out with Blaine
"So you want to hang out sometimes" Kurt leaned up against the lockers
"Look, I can't I have to go help Tina with her homework and then go home" Blaine closed his locker
"Well maybe some other time" Kurt said
"Yeah maybe" Blaine sighed
"You don't seem very happy" Kurt noticed
"I really want to hang out with you, I really do but the fact that I might cause a problem in your relationship is what's stopping me" Blaine admitted
"Its alright, ok" Kurt started before Blaine interrupted him
"I'm leaving" Blaine ran out of the school
Kurt sighed, he really was getting nowhere
He decided that talking with his stepbrother would help
"Hey Finn" Kurt knocked on his door
"Yeah" Finn said
"Can I ask you something" Kurt asked
"You usually never ask me for help but I guess" Finn shrugged
"What do you do when you have a crush on someone but the person you like doesn't want to ruin the current relationship you have now" Kurt rushed through his question
"That did not make any sense" Finn said
"Ok, I'm in love with Blaine" Kurt admitted
"You're in love again" Finn shook his head
"Look, I know it sounds crazy" Kurt told him
"What about Brittany" Finn asked
"Maybe I never actually liked her" Kurt shrugged
"Ok, for starters stop pretending you're someone you're not" Finn started
"Wait, you know" Kurt asked
"Yes, I do, I get that you don't want to admit you like guys just because you're popular" Finn told him
"Ok, I get it" Kurt said
"And second, stop being such a player" Finn said
"What" Kurt asked
"You hook up with people, then date them, then dump them and that is really not ok" Finn said
"I am not a player" Kurt told him
"You are, and I'm sorry to tell you this but you might never have a relationship if you keep doing that" Finn said
"I'm wasting my time" Kurt stormed out of Finn's room

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