Chapter 23

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Blaine was absolutely terrified
"What this isn't happening" Blaine was starting to panic
"I know, I know" Kurt was pacing around
Blaine noticed that his breath started going uneven
"Blaine, are you ok" Kurt looked at him in worry
"No, I'm not" Blaine was breathing hard
"You're having a panic attack" Kurt said before pulling Blaine into his arms and trying to calm him down
Blaine then started crying super hard
Everything was alright then his dad came in and started ruining it
"Its going to be ok" Kurt stroked his hair
After a few minutes, Blaine calmed down and during those minutes his friends came over
"I'm so sorry, super sorry" Sam apologized
"Its not your fault Sam, it was bound to happen" Blaine assured him
"You ok" Rachel asked
"No, everything was fine up until now" Blaine sniffled
"We're here to protect you" Mike told him
"Yeah, like I said before you're not alone in all this" Quinn reminded him
"True, I love you so much Blaine and I'd do anything to protect you even if it means getting hurt myself" Kurt hugged him
"I don't want you getting hurt, neither of you" Blaine looked around
"You've been hurt the most" Mercedes reminded him
"Yeah and you deserve to happy and we will make sure you stay happy" Artie told him
"Even if we have to take the pain, its worth it because you've taken a lot of pain and now its time for us to take some of it and handle it" Tina came up to him
"We're doing this all for you" Kurt told him
"Thanks you guys, I don't know we I would be without any of you" Blaine looked at his friends gratefully
"You're our best friend, we want the best for you" Rachel smiled at him
"And you're my boyfriend and I want to see you happy" Kurt kissed him
"Speaking of making each other happy, I was on my way to the bathroom and I saw Kurt's room and a bunch of scattered sheets" Sam stated
Everyone looked at Kurt and Blaine
"You guys actually" Quinn looked surprised
"Well" Kurt started
"We may have been intimate with each other before all this happened" Blaine blushed
"Damn" Mike said
"Must have been really special for you Blaine" Tina teased
Blaine smiled at his friends reaction
Then a knock was heard
"I know you're in there" It was his dad
"Please no, please no" Blaine felt the tears come
"Don't worry, we have your back" Kurt said
Blaine was still worried
Worried about the whole outcome

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