Chapter 9

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After glee club, Blaine went to meet up with his friends
And Kurt offered to give him a ride
"As much as I would like to be with you, I have to have family dinner night" Kurt sounded sad
"Hey, we have other times" Blaine tried to cheer him up
"Yeah, how about tomorrow we'll go to the movies" Kurt suggested
"As long as its with you, I'm fine" Blaine smiled
"Well, we're here" Kurt drived up to the parking lot
"Thanks for the ride" Blaine was about to get out of the car before Kurt stopped him
"One more thing" Kurt said before giving him a kiss
"I love you" Blaine was smiling a little too much
"Love you too, make sure you text me when you tell your friends" Kurt said
"Well, I think you'll be getting a lot of texts from them" Blaine laughed at the thought
When he arrived, Rachel waved at him
"Hi guys" Blaine sat down
"So let's order" Mercedes asked
They talked about a lot of things and Blaine tried to muster up some courage before telling them the news
"Guys, I have something to tell you" Blaine started speaking
"What is it" Tina asked
"I have a boyfriend" Blaine said
Everyone started speaking at the same time and trying to figure out who it was
"Wait is it Kurt" Mike asked
"Yes" Blaine blushed
"About time" Quinn said
"Its been too long" Sam added
"Wait, so Kurt really asked you" Artie asked
"Yeah but I didn't give him an answer until today" Blaine replied
"Insecurities" Mercedes guessed
"Yep, I talked to Cooper about it and he told me to give him a chance so I did" Blaine explained
"Well that's good, I'm really happy for you" Sam smiled
Everyone looked happy for him except Rachel who looked a little worried
"Why does Rachel seem like Blaine's older protective sister" Tina teased
"We're all protective of Blaine, but Rachel is a little too overprotective" Mike added
"Look Blaine, you're my best friend and I'm really happy for you, I truly am but I'm just worried that Kurt will hurt you and break your heart" Rachel explained
"I apperciate your concern but Kurt won't hurt me" Blaine tried to assure her
"You're right, sorry I'm a little too protective" Rachel said
Everyone laughed at that
Eventually, everyone went home and when Blaine arrived, he was greeted by Cooper
"So what did you tell him" Cooper asked
"I said yes" Blaine smiled
"I'm happy for you" Cooper hugged him
"There's one thing I'm worried about" Blaine said
"What is it" Cooper looked at him
"Dad" Blaine replied
"Don't worry, everything will be ok" Cooper assured him
Blaine hoped Cooper was right

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