Chapter 10

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Glee club practice took a turn for the worst
"Have you picked a song for this week's assignment" Kurt asked
"No, I don't really have any ideas" Blaine was clearly focused on trying to find a song
"I can help after school if you'd like" Kurt offered
"That's cool, at your house" Blaine asked
"Yeah, my parents won't be home for a while" Kurt kissed Blaine's cheeks
"Hey, why won't you answer my texts" It was Brittany
Ever since the break up, Brittany didn't stop texting Kurt
She would ask for explanations and would try to get back with him
"Could you leave please" Kurt asked as nicely as he could
"Just tell me a reason" Brittany asked
"You want a reason, I never had feelings for you" Kurt said
"What's going on here" Blaine asked
"Wait, now I know" Brittany said
"Great, then leave me alone" Kurt told her
"This loser convinced you" Brittany pointed at Blaine
Kurt was angry now, no one calls Blaine a bad name
And he had back up
"Excuse me, what did you just call Blaine" Mercedes asked
"Nothing" Brittany faked innocence
"We know what you said" Tina told her
"What did I say" Brittany asked
"Ok, you know perfectly what you said stop playing innocent" Kurt shouted
"Just stating facts" Brittany shrugged
"The reason I broke up with you was because I was never in love with and I was always in love with Blaine " Kurt admitted
"Exactly, its his fault" Brittany said
"If you want to blame something, blame my feelings" Kurt told her
"Whatever" Brittany started leaving before Rachel said
"If you ever mess with Blaine, we'll just tell on you"
"And we're serious" Quinn added
Brittany then left and Kurt sighed with relief
"Thanks guys" he said
"No problem" they all said
"Where's Blaine" Kurt asked
"He ran away, the words Brittany said affected him a lot" Rachel replied
When Kurt found Blaine, he was on the ground crying a lot
"You alright" Kurt asked
"Its my fault, isn't it" Blaine sniffled
"No,it's no one's fault" Kurt tried to assure him
"But isn't really my fault, I mean I had a crush on you" Blaine said
"So did I, but look if it worries you that much then you can just talk to me about it" Kurt told him
"I just want to be happy you know" Blaine looked up at him
"And we're together and for me, that's all I need" Kurt stretched out his hand so he could get up
"Thanks, for making me feel better" Blaine wiped his tears
"No problem" Kurt kissed Blaine's nose to which he giggled
"Want to go back" Kurt asked
"Sure, I mean its almost over" Blaine shrugged
Both of them walked hand in hand back to the choir room

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