Chapter 27

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Blaine went over to Rachel's house for a special sleepover
"So last sleepover together" Rachel sighed
"Yep" Blaine nodded
"Well, that's it" Quinn said
"I'm going to miss you guys so much" Tina said
"Me too" Mercedes hugged her
"Well, its just going to be me, Tina, Sam, and Artie next year" Blaine told the group
"At least you have one year left" Rachel said
"Enjoy it while you can" Quinn added
"I will" Blaine smiled
"So what are your plans" Tina asked Rachel, Quinn, and Mercedes
"Well, I'm obviously going to New York and Finn will be there with me and also Kurt" Rachel said
"You knew about this" Mercedes asked Blaine
"Yeah, Kurt told me he was sharing an apartment with Rachel and Finn and I said at least you have some friends" Blaine replied
"I'm going to Yale but then I don't know where that will lead me" Quinn shared her plans with the group
"I'm going to LA and I'll go from there" Mercedes said
"You know this year has been for me, one of the best years because I have friends, I found love and I get to follow my dreams" Rachel said
"This year for me has been interesting full of drama and challenges but also of friendship and love" Quinn went next
"This year has been one to remember and I thank all you for it" Mercedes said
"This year was amazing, I don't know what will happen next year but I'm ready" Tina smiled
"For me, this year was eventful, I found my true love, met some of my best friends, and found out many things" Blaine said
He noticed he was tearing up because it truly has been an eventful year
"Before this year, I would think that love is just a silly emotion, everyone says they love you but then they don't mean it but my perception changed this year and I found out that I have people who really care about me and love me and I thank you guys for it" Blaine smiled at his friends
"Aw Blaine, don't cry" Rachel hugged him
"I'm going to miss you guys so much" Blaine sniffled
Then Tina started crying and then everyone started crying
"You guys are the best" Blaine told his friends

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