Chapter 8

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Kurt went to school feeling nervous
He was worried that Blaine would say no to him
So he told Sam about yesterday
"You told him everything" Sam looked surprised
"Yeah, at first he thought I was lying" Kurt said
"Well so would everyone" Sam shrugged
Kurt gave him a glare
"Sorry, its true" Sam didn't sound sorry
"Anyways, do you know where he is" Kurt asked
"I saw him talking to Quinn earlier" Sam told him
"Since when did Blaine and Quinn become friends" Kurt asked
"Beats me" Sam said
Kurt then went to Blaine's locker and he saw Blaine and Quinn talking
"Since when were you guys friends" Kurt asked
"You scared me" Blaine said
"Sorry" Kurt apologized
"To answer your question, I happen to let you know that I'm good friends with Rachel, Mercedes, and Tina so" Quinn replied
"This is awkward" Kurt mumbled
"I get it, being best friends with the boy you have a crush on is awkward just because we dated" Quinn said
"I mean, I asked Blaine to be my boyfriend" Kurt said
"Look, I already knew you weren't into me when we dated and I was not into you either so I just went along with your game" Quinn explained
"So wait, you know I like guys and not girls" Kurt was shocked
"Yes, and now I'll leave you two alone, see you in glee club Blaine" Quinn said
"See you" Blaine waved at her
As Quinn was leaving, he told Kurt
"Don't break his heart"
As soon as she left, Kurt tried to come up with some fancy thing to say
"I've been thinking about it" Blaine spoke up
"And" Kurt asked
"I do want to be your boyfriend" Blaine said
"Wait, really" Kurt looked up at him
"Look, I'm sorry if I seemed kind of nervous around you, its just that this would techincally be my first relationship and your whole reputation thing kind of scared me" Blaine explained
"Its alright, but are really serious about this" Kurt wanted to make sure he wasn't dreaming
"I'm absolutely sure that I want to be your boyfriend" Blaine smiled
"I love you so much" Kurt kissed him
It was actually happening
It was the best day ever
"I love you too" Blaine said
"So now what" Kurt asked
"For once, it will be awkward between you and Brittany just because you guys recently broke up" Blaine said
"Don't remind me" Kurt was not looking foward to how Brittany would react
"And I have to tell my friends since they are overly protective of me" Blaine added
"Oh great" Kurt was extremely nervous about that
"But hey, you can be yourself now" Blaine brighten up the mood
"True, because I at least have you" Kurt wrapped his arms around Blaine
"As much as I would like to stay like this, I have to get to class" Blaine said
"Ok, I guess I'll see you in glee club" Kurt asked
"Just meet me here and we'll walk together" Blaine suggested
"Ok then, see you later" Kurt gave him one last kiss
"See you" Blaine giggled
After he left, Kurt looked around to see if no one was watching and then said

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