Chapter 14

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Kurt still wasn't over the fact that someone had try to hurt Blaine
And apprently, neither did his friends
"I can't believe Karofsky would do such a thing" Sam was telling the group
"I know, it was totally unexpected" Mercedes agreed
"I'm fine, don't worry" Blaine assured his friends
"But he could have hurt you more" Kurt protested
"But I'm alright" Blaine said
"Its not alright, he shouldn't have done that" Kurt told him
"I apperciate you being the overprotective boyfriend but really I'm fine" Blaine smiled
Kurt caught a glimpse of Karofsky and he saw that he was telling his friends about the incident and they were laughing
"That's it" Kurt got up and went towards him ignoring the protests from Blaine
"Oh hey, I didn't expect you" Karofsky said sarcastically
"First, you hurt Blaine and now you laugh about it" Kurt pushed him
"Watch it, first of all, it isn't my fault he's weak, second of all, you should have been there to protect him" Karofsky pushed him back
"Kurt, just stop its not worth it" Blaine said
"Karofsky deserves it, after all he did to you" Sam argued
"Sam, not helping" Tina chided him
"You know what, I'm done playing nice" Kurt said before punching Karofsky
Karofsky punched him back and they just started fighting
And then everyone started getting involved in the whole thing
It wasn't until Mr.Schue saw everything and decided to intervene
"Stop, everyone calm down" Mr. Schue tried to stop the fight
But Kurt didn't listen, he just kept fighting
"Kurt, stop" Mr. Schue pulled him back
"He deserves it" Kurt yelled
"Let's get you to the nurse's office" Mr. Schue suggested
At the office, Blaine helped put ice on the bruise on Kurt's face
"I told you" Blaine said
"Not helping" Kurt looked at him
"Sorry" Blaine shrugged
"Its not your fault" Kurt said
"I really didn't think that anyone would fight for me" Blaine told him
"Karofsky derserved it" Kurt reminded him
"Yeah, but no one ever stood up for me like that" Blaine said
"Well, you haven't done anything wrong and you don't deserve to be treated that way" Kurt said
"You know, you look pretty cute with a scar" Blaine pointed at a scar
"But you, are the most beautiful thing on this planet" Kurt kissed Blaine's nose
"Well, the bruise should heal and the scar should fade away so you're alright" Blaine smiled
"Thanks for taking care of me" Kurt said
"No problem" Blaine told him
"Now, I think we should get going" Kurt took Blaine's hand as they walked out of the nurse's office

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