Chapter 19

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Its the second winter break of the school year and Blaine decided to have a sleepover with Quinn and Tina
Of course, he wanted to be with Kurt but his family usually go somewhere during the breaks
"Hey Blaine" Quinn greeted when he arrived at her house
"Hi" Blaine smiled
"Ready to get this sleepover started" Tina came up to him
"You bet" Blaine said
The three talked about how much they missed Rachel, Mercedes, Sam and Mike who were on vacation as well
"At least tomorrow we meet up with Artie to go to the amusement park" Quinn said while eating popcorn
"Yeah, so any news" Tina asked
"No" Quinn shook her head
"I've been meaning to tell you guys something" Blaine's face turned serious
Quinn and Tina noticed his face and were immediately worried
"Wait is it about Kurt" Tina asked
"If Kurt broke your heart, I swear I will go and" Quinn was interrupted by Tina
"After Rachel, you probably and the second most protective of Blaine" Tina noticed
Blaine smiled, they always did this
"Wait, I thought that was Sam" Quinn said
"Ok, then its Rachel, then Sam, then you" Blaine told her
"Anyways what happened" Tina asked
"Well, its going to be really hard for me to tell you guys this" Blaine started
Then Blaine told them the whole story and as he said it, Quinn and Tina started crying
"I can't believe your own dad does that to you" Quinn was shocked
"Neither can, but anyways" Blaine shrugged
"Its not ok, he has no right" Tina said
"I know, but its true" Blaine sighed
"Why didn't you tell us" Quinn asked
"I didn't have the courage to tell you guys and it was just too painful" Blaine admitted
"Did you tell Kurt" Tina asked
"Yeah, yesterday" Blaine answered
"How did he react" Quinn asked
"He was shocked, just like you guys are right now" Blaine said
"You know we're here for you right" Tina reminded him
"Yeah, you guys are the best friends ever" Blaine smiled
"Next time you're going through something like this, please tell us" Quinn told him
"I will" Blaine promised them
"So what now" Tina asked
"Group hug" Blaine suggested
They all gave each other a hug
Everything was going surprisingly well
For now

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