Chapter 22

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After everything had happened, things went back to normal
Sure when Blaine's friends found out, they were mad at Kurt for breaking their best friend's heart
But Blaine explained everything and they forgave him
"We're letting you go easy this time" Rachel told Kurt
"Believe me, I won't do it again" Kurt assured her
Now, Kurt still wanted to make it up to Blaine even though he forgave him
"I told you, I already forgave you" Blaine said
"Still, I have been distant and I'm sorry so I'm taking you over to my house" Kurt told him
"Thank goodness that Sam's covering for me, I practically lied to my dad" Blaine looked scared
"He won't hurt you, not as long as I'm around" Kurt smiled at him
"I'm just worried" Blaine said
When they arrived at Kurt's house, they decided to watch a movie
"So what movie do you want to watch" Kurt asked
"Do you have The Little Mermaid" Blaine shyly asked
"Of course, I do" Kurt showed him the movie
"Yay" Blaine cheered
Kurt laughed at the adorableness that was his boyfriend
They watched the movie well up until they started kissing each other and things got intense
"Wait, hold up" Kurt pulled away from Blaine
"Do you want to talk about it" Blaine asked nervously
"I guess" Kurt shrugged
"So what exactly do you want to tell me" Blaine asked
"I've been with a lot of people and this is your first time so I really don't want to disappoint you" Kurt told Blaine his concern
"Look, this maybe my first time but you're not going to disappoint me, in fact its going to be really special for me" Blaine smiled at him
"So you're ready for this" Kurt asked
"I am but I'm kind of scared but I'm positive that I'm ready" Blaine started rambling
"Here, how about I start ok" Kurt said as he took off his shirt
Blaine looked nervous but he tried to be confident
"If you're not ready just tell me" Kurt said
"I am, its just that I'm not as experienced" Blaine blushed
"Give me you hand" Kurt said
Blaine gave him his hand and Kurt put it on his chest
"Don't be afraid if you want to touch me" Kurt told him
"Stop making me blush" Blaine was blushing hard
"Remember its just me" Kurt said before kissing him gently
Blaine eventually responded with a little hestiation but then got comfortable with it as Kurt started taking of Blaine's shirt
He noticed scars on his chest
"Where these from your dad" Kurt asked
"When he hits me, yes" Blaine looked at them with shame
"Woah" Kurt said
"Some are from the bullying at my old school and I just feel really self-concious about it" Blaine looked down
"You're perfect, with or without the scars" Kurt gave the scars a kiss
"No one ever made me feel this way" Blaine smiled
"Let me show you then" Kurt kissed him again
By the time they were finished, they just layed on the bed
"Did I disappoint you" Kurt asked
"No, it was special because I was with the person I love" Blaine said
"Should I be careful with this" Kurt pointed at the marks he made on Blaine's neck
"That's your fault" Blaine told him
"Well I have to say that I like them just because it shows that you are mine" Kurt kissed the marks
"Very romantic" Blaine giggled
Then a phone rang
"Who is calling at such a bad time" Kurt complained
Blaine laughed at Kurt's annoyance
"Hello" Kurt answered
"Bad news" It was Sam
"What happened" Kurt asked
"Blaine's dad came over to my house and asked my mom if Blaine came over and she said no" Sam said
"Great and what else" Kurt said
"Worst thing, is that she told him that Blaine was at your house" Sam added
"We're screwed" Kurt muttered under his breath
"I'm coming straight over there" Sam said before hanging up
"What happened" Blaine asked
"Your dad knows you're here" Kurt told him

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