Chapter 15

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Blaine arrived home and was greeted by Cooper
"Hey squirt, how was school" Cooper asked
"Fine, but don't call me squirt" Blaine complained at Cooper's nickname
"Well, I just got off the phone with dad and he said he's coming home tomorrow" Cooper waited for Blaine's reaction
"Great" Blaine mumbled
"I know dad isn't too supportive of you but if he does anything to you, I'll be here to protect you" Cooper said
"Thanks" Blaine smiled a bit
"Now tell me, any events at school" Cooper asked
"Well, Kurt got into a fight" Blaine started
"Let me guess, was it about the incident last week" Cooper guessed
"Yeah" Blaine nodded
"At least, he gave that Karofsky kid a piece of his mind" Cooper shrugged
"Yeah, but I didn't want a fight, it made me scared that something was going to happen to Kurt" Blaine told him
"That's how he felt last week" Cooper reminded him
"Anyways, the principal was planning to talk to us tomorrow" Blaine said
"Let me guess, Kurt's dad is going to be there" Cooper said
"I really don't want dad to find out about all of this" Blaine told Cooper his one worry
"Good news is that dad won't be home till the evening so I'll be there" Cooper told him
Blaine sighed in relief, he then went to eat dinner before going to his room and receiving a call from Rachel
"Hey Rachel" Blaine greeted
"Hi, you ok" Rachel asked
"Sort of, my dad's coming home tomorrow" Blaine said
"That's good, right" Rachel told him
"Look, I haven't been honest with you, its really not good that my dad's coming home" Blaine was scared to tell her
"Wait, I'm just going to guess, you guys have issues" Rachel guessed
"Yep" Blaine didn't want to talk about it
"I'm not going to pressure you anymore so let's talk about something else" Rachel decided
"Ok, that seems fine" Blaine sighed
"So after the fight today" Rachel started
"I've never seen Kurt this angry before" Blaine commented
"Neither have I, he most really love you if he was able to stand up to Karofsky" Rachel added
"I know, but I just didn't want to see him get hurt" Blaine told her
"Do you think, he felt the same last week" Rachel asked
"I mean yeah" Blaine shrugged
"He was literally worried out of his mind and he was worried something worse could have happened to you" Rachel explained
"I didn't know it was that bad" Blaine said
"We were all worried" Rachel told him
"Anyways, I have to go to sleep" Blaine said
"Goodnight" Rachel said before hanging up
Blaine sighed as he laid on his bed thinking about what was coming next

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