Chapter 7

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Blaine didn't know what was the most shocking thing
The fact that Kurt and Brittany broke up
Or the fact that Kurt had a crush on him
Point was, that he was shocked
"Please tell me you're lying" Blaine asked
"I'm not" Kurt said
"Why me, don't you see how many people you've been with" Blaine said
"Yeah, but those are in the past" Kurt tried to calm him down
"Sure, one day that will be me, you say you love me then you dump me out of nowhere" Blaine was telling him this in tears
"Do you love me" Kurt asked simply
"Stop asking me that question" Blaine looked down
"I just want to know" Kurt said
"Like I said the last time, I do love you but it hurts so much because of your entire reputation and the fact that I may be just another two month relationship, that's what's stopping me from even telling you this" Blaine yelled
He never even felt that angry before
"Look, before you came I had to hide who I really was just because I was afraid of what people would say and the fact that people might make fun of me" Kurt started to explain
"And" Blaine asked
"When you came, I realized that I shouldn't hide who I am because that just hurt me a lot and the fact that I could never tell you I love you was killing me" Kurt continued explaining
"Wait, so you never had any feelings for Brittany or Quinn or whoever else you dated, wait what" Blaine began rambling again before he noticed that Kurt was kissing him
For Blaine, it felt right and he loved it but something still held him back
But it felt amazing
"I was wondering if you would give me a chance and we could maybe you know be boyfriends because I am totally in love with you" Kurt told him
"Um.......I have to think about it" Blaine said
"That's cool, cause I'm willing to wait for you, no matter how long it takes" Kurt smiled at him
When Blaine arrived home, he immediately went up to his room and just started thinking about everything
"Hey you alright" Cooper asked
"I'm confused" Blaine told him
"More love life issues" Cooper guessed
"Yes" Blaine sighed
"What happened now" Cooper asked
"Kurt asked me to be his boyfriend" Blaine said
"That's amazing, see love is difficult but its worth it" Cooper smiled at him
"Yeah but I don't know with his reputation and everything else" Blaine told Cooper all his worries
"Give him a chance, you never know unless you give him a chance" Cooper advised
Blaine thought about it all night
And he might just have an answer

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