Chapter 18

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Kurt was still in shock after everything
He wondered why was Blaine so scared of his own father
And then he received a call from Cooper
"Hey" Kurt greeted
"Do you mind coming over, Blaine really needs you" Cooper told him
"Yeah, I'll be over" Kurt then hung up on him
When he arrived, he was greeted by Cooper who said
"Blaine's in his room"
"Can I ask you something" Kurt asked
"Yeah" Cooper nodded
"Why is Blaine scared of his dad" Kurt asked
"You'll hear it from Blaine" Cooper said
"Ok, then" Kurt shrugged
He went up the stairs and opened the door, Blaine was in his bed
"Knock knock" Kurt said
"Leave me alone Cooper" Blaine complained
"Its me Kurt" Kurt told him
"Oh, sorry" Blaine apologized
"No worries, so you wanted to talk to me" Kurt sat down on Blaine's bed
"Yeah, about earlier today" Blaine nodded
"What exactly happened" Kurt asked
"Well, my dad isn't too fond of my sexuality and after I came out, he started to hit me, calling me awful names, he basically hated me" Blaine's eyes filled with tears
Kurt also was starting to feel tears coming down, and sort of understood why he was kind of guarded
"Remember when I first told you I loved you" Kurt asked
"Yeah" Blaine nodded
"You told me to not say that because you thought I never meant it" Kurt said
"If you're relating this to my dad, its true" Blaine shrugged
"What do you mean" Kurt asked
"People care about you, but then they show their true colors and lie to you, my dad hates me, my old friends from my old school also hate me and they never cared for me, they just used me" Blaine explained
"I could never hate you" Kurt told him
"I know but you're the school bad boy, you date people, hook up with them, tell them you love them, and then break up with them" Blaine continued to explain
Kurt was speechless and tried to find the words to say but only said "Um....."
"Why do you think it hurt me so much when Rachel told me about your reputation, when I find out you were dating Brittany and I know its been a while since you broke up with her and since Rachel told me all that but still it just hurt" Blaine explained
"But I changed because of you, you showed me that I can be myself and that gave me the courage to just ask you out" Kurt smiled
"During these few months we've been together, you showed me what love really is, and yes you were the cause of my pain this school year but that was only pain because I love you so much" Blaine smiled back at him
"Romantic words" Kurt hugged him
"Anyways, I guess we have that cleared out" Blaine sighed
"One more question" Kurt asked
"What" Blaine asked
"Did anyone else know about this" Kurt asked
"Yeah, Artie was the only one who knew about my dad, one day after my dad and I fought, I ran out of the house and Artie found me and convinced me to stay at his house and of course I told him the whole thing" Blaine told him
"Promise me that there will be no secrets between us" Kurt said
"I promise" Blaine smiled

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