Chapter 6

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The next day, Kurt couldn't focus at all
The song Blaine sang in glee club was still on his mind
He decided to go talk to him but then he saw Brittany who was yelling at Blaine and Rachel tried to stop the fight
"What are you doing" Kurt said behind her
"I know that song was directed at you" Brittany told him
"So" Kurt asked
"So, I told Blaine to stop being such a whiny and desperate person" Brittany replied
"How dare you call him that" Rachel said
"Its true" Brittany said
"You know what, we need to talk" Kurt took Brittany outside so they could talk
"I've been thinking about it and" Kurt started
"And what" Brittany asked
"I'm breaking up with you" Kurt finally said
"What, its because of Blaine, I swear" Brittany got really mad
"Look, I really never had any feelings towards you" Kurt told her
"So you played with me" Brittany said
"Not really" Kurt said
"You know what forget it" Brittany then went back inside
Kurt sighed, even though he was adding one more thing to his reputation, he could at least be with the person he loves
After school, he asked Sam where Blaine was and he said
"He's at Rachel's house"
"Thanks Sam" Kurt waved at him
He arrived at Rachel's house and knocked at the door
"Kurt, is that you" Mercedes opened the door
"Yeah, is Blaine here" Kurt asked
"Why are you asking" Mercedes asked
"I need to talk to him" Kurt told her
Rachel and Tina eventually came to where Mercedes was and they were really shocked
"You're here to talk to Blaine" Tina asked
"Yeah" Kurt said
"Well, he heard your voice and he refuses to come down" Rachel told him
"I know you guys may hate me because of my reputation but I'm not here to hurt Blaine" Kurt explained to them
"I'll go get him" Rachel went upstairs and got Blaine down
"I don't want to talk to you" Blaine tried to leave
"Just do it, get it over with" Tina said
"Look, just please hear me out" Kurt told him
Rachel, Mercedes, and Tina looked at Blaine, waiting for his response
"Fine" Blaine eventually said
"Great" Kurt said before they both went to the park
"Now what is it that you want to tell me" Blaine asked
"I broke up with Brittany" Kurt said
"What" Blaine looked at Kurt in surprise
"If you don't believe me, go ask her" Kurt said
"Its my fault, now she's going to keep bothering me and I'll never hear the end of it" Blaine started rambling
"Hey, it was my choice to break up with her it had nothing to do with you" Kurt assured him
"Still its because I have a crush on you which I'm trying so hard to forget but I just can't" Blaine said
"Yeah, but you didn't realize that I have the same feelings for you" Kurt admitted
Blaine just stood there in shock and no one said anything

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