Chapter 11

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When Blaine arrived home, he saw Cooper talking on the phone
"Who are you talking too" Blaine asked
"That was dad, he said that he's going to be away for a while" Cooper told him
"Finally" Blaine said
"More good news, I'm going to stay here till dad gets back" Cooper smiled
"That's amazing" Blaine hugged his brother
"You know, I've never seen you this happy" Cooper noticed
"True, but hey its a good thing" Blaine said
He went up to his room and started doing his homework
Until his phone started ringing
"Hello" Blaine answered
"Hi my amazing and beautiful boyfriend" Kurt said through the phone
"Why are you calling" Blaine smiled
"Just wanted to make sure you arrived home safely" Kurt said
"Cool, and any other reason" Blaine asked
"I wanted to hear your voice" Kurt replied
"Miss me already" Blaine giggled
"I miss you a lot more than you think" Kurt said
"I miss you too, but we'll see each other tomorrow" Blaine tried to cheer him up
"But I can't wait that long" Kurt complained
"This is why I love you" Blaine said
"I love you too" Kurt said
Then he heard Cooper calling him for dinner
"I have to go, dinner's ready" Blaine told him
"See you later" Kurt said before hanging up
Blaine smiled and then went downstairs
"How good of a day was it that made you so happy" Cooper laughed
"I mean it was good, until glee club" Blaine's smile faded
"What happened now" Cooper sat down next to him
"Brittany who is Kurt's ex girlfriend practically blamed me for their break up" Blaine said
"Did you believe it" Cooper asked
"I mean I did" Blaine looked at his food
"Don't beat yourself up over that, you and Kurt are together now and if she's doing that then she's just jealous" Cooper told him
"I guess" Blaine sighed
"These obstacles might keep coming up but try your best to never give up" Cooper advised
"Thanks" Blaine smiled
"No problem, and if you need any advice, I'll be there for you" Cooper reminded him
"You're the best brother ever" Blaine said
"I try" Cooper told him
After dinner, Blaine washed himself up and got ready for bed when he saw a text from Kurt
"Just wanted to tell you goodnight and that I love you so much" the text read
Blaine smiled, he thought that everything was going to be ok now
But things are just starting to get interesting

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