Chapter 16

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The next day, Kurt was in the office with his dad, Blaine and his brother Cooper, and Karofsky and his dad
"So its been a week since the incident" Principal Figgins started
"Yeah" Blaine nodded
"What exactly happened" Mr. Figgins asked
"Well, I was waiting for Kurt so we could go home and then Karofsky and his friends came up to me and started saying things to me and then they started punching me" Blaine recalled the incident
"You're such a liar" Karofsky said to him
Kurt felt himself getting angry and couldn't help but yell "How about you shut up because the only culprit here is you, because you're a stupid"
"Kurt, stop" his dad Burt said
"I'm sorry but its true, I saw the bruises on Blaine and it was obvious it was him" Kurt interrupted his dad
"Ok, you're Blaine's brother" Mr. Figgins pointed at Cooper
"That would be me" Cooper nodded
"How was Blaine when he arrived home that day" Mr. Figgins asked
"Blaine was barely concious, Kurt brought him over and I saw all his bruises and I suspected it had been done by someone" Cooper told him
"Do you have to say something Karofsky" Mr. Figgins turned to Karofsky
"I don't why you believe Blaine, he's lying" Karofsky said
"That's it" Kurt stood up to fight Karofsky but his dad calmed him down
"Kurt, you're helping at all" Burt told him
"He's trying to get our of trouble that's what pisses me off" Kurt said
Kurt then saw Sam and Tina enter the office
"I'm going to start with Sam, what did you see" Mr. Figgins said
"Well, I was about to leave school and then I saw Tina next to someone and I ran over to where they were and then I saw Blaine lying on the ground" Sam said
"Ok, Tina you saw the whole thing " Mr. Figgins asked
"I did, I was walking out of school and then I saw Blaine and he looked scared and I also saw when Karofsky punched him and I ran back inside the school to get help after the whole thing" Tina told him
"Do you have anything to say about this" Mr. Figgins asked Karofsky
"Well..... I" Karofsky couldn't find the words
"Since all the pieces of evidence point to you, I have decided to suspend you" Mr. Figgins decided
"What, that's not fair" Karofsky said
"Based also on some information I got from Blaine , it seems you have been bullying him for a while" Mr. Figgins said
"What" Kurt looked at Blaine
Blaine gave him a look that said "We'll talk about this later"
Kurt nodded but couldn't help think, why would someone do such a thing

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