Chapter 21

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Its already the end of April and Blaine didn't think things could get any worse
During spring break, Kurt didn't call him or text him or anything
Which was kind of unusual
So he asked Tina about it
"I don't Blaine, something is going on" Tina told him
"I'm sure its nothing,he's probably been really busy" Blaine said
"Or maybe" Tina started before stopping
"What" Blaine asked
"I don't want to jump to conclusions but" Tina tried to tell him
"Just tell me" Blaine told her
"I think, he may have been with someone else" Tina said it carefully
"Are you implying that Kurt cheated on me" Blaine asked
"I mean, he's been really distant this whole month" Tina said
Blaine will admit Tina had a point, they rarely hung out anymore
"I'm sure, its nothing" Blaine assured her
Boy, he was wrong
When Kurt came over to his house, Blaine asked
"How was spring break"
"Good" Kurt didn't look at him
"Is something wrong" Blaine asked
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you" Kurt immediately started apologizing
"What are you talking about" Blaine said
"I cheated on you" Kurt finally blurted out
Blaine just stood there, he felt tears coming out and all he could say was
"Its just that Santana was there and she told me my popularity was going down and I kind freaked out and she told me how I could redeem myself and I swear I didn't know what I was doing" Kurt said
"So your popularity means more to you than me" Blaine practically was crying
"No, you mean everything to me and I know I may have screwed things up and you have every right to break up with me" Kurt told him
"I just have one question, how are you popular if all you do is just date people and then dump them" Blaine asked sniffling
"It just happened but I swear I love you" Kurt told him
Of course Blaine should be mad no furious at what Kurt did but he kind found it suspicious that it was Santana and he felt and uneasy feeling
"Doesn't it seem weird that Santana was actually interested in you" Blaine said
"It did, I think she did that because I don't why" Kurt shrugged
"I'm not sure what to do" Blaine asked quietly
"If you want to break up with me, go ahead but just remember that I will always love you no matter what" Kurt told him
Blaine didn't want to break up with Kurt, he was his one and only true love
Of course after your special someone says they cheated on you, you make a big drama out of it and break up
But Blaine wasn't like that, he knows Kurt cheated and yeah it was to regain his popularity but he knew that felt terrible about it and it will take a lot of time to heal but its worth it
"I'm not breaking up with you" Blaine decided
"What" Kurt was shocked
"I'm not ever breaking up with you" Blaine smiled at him
"But I just cheated on you, and I hurt you" Kurt argued
"Yeah, it does hurt and it will take a lot of time to heal but I'm willing to take the pain and handle it just to have you by my side because I love you so much" Blaine explained
"So we're cool" Kurt asked
"Yes" Blaine told him
"I love you so much" Kurt kissed him
"I love you too" Blaine said
But Blaine couldn't help but think that there was someone behind the whole thing
"I feel like the whole you and Santana thing was planned" Blaine told Kurt his thought
"Wait, so someone planned this but who" Kurt asked
"Karofsky, he wanted his revenge" Blaine said

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