Chapter 3

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Blaine walked back home after helping Tina with her homework
He went up to his room and laid on his bed, listening to music
"Hey squirt, you alright" Blaine's brother Cooper asked
"No and don't call me squirt" Blaine replied
"Is it about dad" Cooper came into his room
Blaine shook his head, he really didn't have a good life at home either
"Its nothing" Blaine said
"Love life" Cooper guessed
"How did you know" Blaine asked
"I don't know" Cooper said before sitting down on Blaine's bed
"I'm the stupidest person ever" Blaine put his pillow over his head
"No you're not" Cooper said
"Yes I am, I fell in love with the school's bad boy who happens to have a girlfriend who also happens to play with people a lot" Blaine practically ranted
"Woah, that is some reputation" Cooper said
"And the worst part is that I still love him even after finding out all that" Blaine admitted
"Ok,this will be tough" Cooper said
"What can I do" Blaine asked
"I'll tell you this, follow your heart" Cooper advised
"Everyone tells me that" Blaine told him
"If you still love him, then that's a sign that maybe you might have a chance" Cooper explained
"I never stood a chance" Blaine shook his head
"Love is complicated, and that's the truth" Cooper patted his shoulder
After that whole conversation with Cooper, Blaine felt a little better the next day
"Hey" Kurt came up to his locker
"Hi" Blaine smiled
"I know it may sound weird but you have a beautiful smile" Kurt blushed
"Oh, thank you" Blaine blushed as well
"No problem" Kurt smiled
"You know, you're the only person who has ever told me that" Blaine told him
"Really" Kurt sounded surprised
"Yeah, everyone has basically called me ugly" Blaine tried to control his emotions
"That's impossible, you're the most beautiful person ever" Kurt said
Blaine noticed that they were staring at each other and that Kurt was leaning in to kiss him but that moment was ruined by Brittany
"Hey Kurt" Brittany said
"Oh hey" Kurt greeted
"Should we get going" Brittany held out her hand
"Sure" Kurt said before leaving
"If I see you flirting with my boyfriend again, things will not end well" Brittany warned
"Leave him alone" Rachel waved her off
Blaine just leaned against his locker before letting down a few tears
"No, don't cry" Rachel hugged him
Blaine accepted the hug but he then remembered Cooper's words
"You ok" Rachel asked
"Yeah, let's go" Blaine smiled
But he really wasn't alright, he still felt sad about Kurt
But then again, that didn't stop Blaine from still being in love with Kurt

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