Chapter 12

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Kurt didn't expect anything to go wrong
Boy, was he wrong
He was about to leave school when he bumped into Tina
"Watch it" Kurt snapped
"Oh sorry" Tina apologized
"Wait, Tina" Kurt asked
"Yeah" Tina replied
"I'm sorry, I didn't kmow it was you" Kurt felt bad for snapping at her
"Its cool" Tina said
"You were running, what's going on" Kurt asked her
"I really don't want to tell you this" Tina tensed up a bit
"What is it" Kurt asked her again
"I don't know how to explain this" Tina said
"Just tell me" Kurt told her
"Ok, but don't react until I explain everything" Tina gave in
Kurt nodded as Tina took a breath
"So me and the girls were walking and then we saw Karofsky and his friends beating up someone"
"Did you see who it was" Kurt asked
"We did after Karofsky and his friends saw us, it was Blaine" Tina finally said
Kurt felt like a bucket of cold ice just dropped on him
"Wait seriously" Kurt couldn't believe it
"I'm serious, the guys are outside fighting with Karofsky" Tina said
Kurt ran towards where Sam and Mike were and he went up to Artie and asked him
"Is it true"
"Yeah, it happened as soon school ended and then Mercedes came and got us and then Sam and Mike started fighting with Karofsky" Artie explained
Kurt went up to Karofsky and yelled at him
"Who do you think you are"
"Aw, are you mad that I hurt your boyfriend" Karofsky taunted
"You ignorant person, don't you know how many people you hurt" Kurt said
"Does it look like I care" Karofsky rolled his eyes
"You better, but be warned if you ever hurt Blaine again, I swear things will not be good" Kurt gave him a warning
"Its not going to be long before Blaine discovers your true nature, beside who's to say you won't hurt him first" Karofsky said
Kurt just started punching him while the girls came over with Mr. Schue to stop the fighting
"Kurt, stop it" Mr. Schue yelled
"He deserves it" Kurt said
"Stop, ok calm down" Mr. Schue told him
He heard Rachel scream his name and he went towards her
"Thank goodness" Rachel sighed with relief
Blaine was barely concious and Kurt held him his arms
"What happened"
"I don't they just took me by surprise" Blaine barely whispered
"We gotta get him home" Quinn said
"I'll drive you there" Mike offered
The ride home was basically Kurt thinking about how Blaine's brother would react
When they did arrive, Cooper's face turned into  concern for his brother
"What happened" Cooper demanded
"I'll explain later" Kurt told him
At first, Kurt thought of Karofsky's words and then thought
"Is it true"
But then he shrugged it off because it was driving him nuts

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